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Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal, Manipur.


ID SlNo Awardee Department Title supervisor Date of Declaration Remarks
1 1 M. Kaoba Singh, History History History of Manipur (1709 to 1826 A.D.) Dr S.N. Pandey 11-05-1984 Social Science
2 2 W. Vishwanath Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Fish and Fisheries of Manipur with special reference to Chemotaxonomy of Fishes Prof. H. Tombi Singh 29-10-1984 Science
3 3 G. Shantibala Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Phisiological and Biochemical Studies on certain woodrotting fungi with reference to Lentinula Dr. L. Janmejay Singh 10-12-1984 Science
4 4 L. Bino Devi, Political Science Political Science Development and working of Imphal Municipal Board 1956-1980 Dr. M. Horam 02-03-1985 Social Science
5 5 N. Aruna Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Twentieth Century Manipuri Novel: An assessment Dr. I. R. Babu Singh 26-04-1985 Humanities
6 6 Md.Islamuddin, Economics Economics Problems and prospects of Agricultural Marketing in Manipur during Plan Period 1951-52 to 1984-85 Dr. H. Nabakishore Singh 24-07-1985 Social Science
7 7 P. Kumar Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the Physiological and biological aspects of Zizania latifolia gall induced by Melanopsichium esculentum Dr. L. Janmejay Singh 16-08-1985 Science
8 8 P. Ibopishak Singh,Linguistics Linguistics A Descriptive Grammer on Maram Dr. M. S. Ningomba 05-09-1985 Humanities
9 9 N. Khagendra Singh English English T.S. Eliot and the Christian Tradition Prof. K.J. Mahale 11-11-1985 Humanities
10 10 S. Sanatombi Singha, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri Phunga Wari Neinaba Prof. I. R. Babu Singh 18-12-1985 Humanities
11 11 Chandrashwor Dubey, Hindi Hindi A Comparative study of Grammatical categories in Nepali and Hindi Dr. S. Tomba Singh 18-12-1985 Humanities
12 12 Lamboder Jha, Hindi Hindi Pachim Bangal Me Maithili Ki Vibhasha Khutta ka bhashashastriya adhyayan` Prof. K N Prasad Magudh 26-05-1986 Humanities
13 13 Shyam Lal, Hindi Hindi Rajasthani aur Haryani lok geeton ka tulnatamak adhyayan Dr J.M. Singh 11-08-1986 Humanities
14 14 N. Saratchandra Singh, Linguistics Linguistics A descriptive e grammar of Paite Dr. M. S. Ningomba 14-08-1986 Humanities
15 15 Th. Bhagirath,Life Sciences Life Sciences Meiotic prophase analysis by surface spreading of synaptonemal complexes Dr. L. Janmejay Singh 12-09-1986 Science
16 16 Lakhmi Nandan Kakoti,Life Sciences Life Sciences Structure and functioning of grassland eco-system of Manipur Dr. P. S. Jadava 09-10-1986 Science
17 17 N. Chonjon Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri Upanyasta Jeeban Darshan Dr. E. Dinamani Singh 16-12-1986 Humanities
18 18 Ananta Kumar Nath, Hindi Hindi Goalpara jile ka mansa kavya: Path sampadan aur anusheelan Dr K N P Magudh 10-02-1987 Humanities
19 19 Arun Prakash Dhoundiyal,Hindi Hindi Himanshu Joshi ke aanchlik katha sahitya mai sam-samyuik pristhitiyon ki abhivyakti Dr J.M. Singh 10-02-1987 Humanities
20 20 S. Ibomcha Sharma, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri vaishnava sampradayda Shree Madbhagavatki Prabhav Dr. M. Kirti Singh 10-02-1987 Humanities
21 21 Hiralal Gupta, Hindi Hindi Annchikta ke pariprekchha mein nagarjunke upanyason ka aadh-dhyan Dr. J. P. Singh 11-05-1987 Humanities
22 22 Mathura Prasad Sharma, Hindi Hindi Bajjika aur Asamiyake sanskar geeton ka tulnatmak adhyayan Dr. K. N. P. Magudh 11-05-1987 Humanities
23 23 R. Antony, Medicine medicine Electro-physiological studies on the chemoreceptors of the intestine and liver Dr. N.H. Hazarika 11-05-1987 Science
24 24 Th. Lamboi Vaiphei, History History Advent of Christian Mission A Case study of its impact on the Tribals in Manipur Dr. S. N. Pandy 02-06-1987 Social Science
25 25 L. Krishnamangol Singh, Economics Economics Economic change in Manipur : Leading issues in Development Dr. M. Iboton Singh 02-07-1987 Social Science
26 26 K. Manihar Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Spherically symmetric distributions of viscous and perfect fluids Dr. K. S. Bharma 28-07-1987 Science
27 27 L. Ramananda Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Synthesis of Steroid Enol lactones Dr. I. S. Khaidem 30-07-1987 Science
28 28 S. Nabachandra Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Generalized inverses of Matrices Dr. A.K. Chatterjee 30-07-1987 Science
29 29 S. C. Sinha, Life Sciences Life Sciences Ethnobotanical Study of Manipur Dr. D. B. Deb 10-08-1987 Science
30 30 N. Ibohal Singh, Political Science Political Science Judicial System in Manipur prior to 1891 AD Dr. N. Ibobi Singh 12-08-1987 Social Science
31 31 Hara Lal Saha,Chemistry Chemistry Themal Decomposition Reactions of Metal Carboxylato Complexes in Solid State Dr. Samiran Mitra 02-09-1987 Science
32 33 Kailash Babu Rajput,Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Manipur Dr. T. Kameshwar Singh 02-09-1987 Science
33 32 R.K. Jojita Devi,Life Sciences Life Sciences Orchids from Manipur : A study of 150 Taxa Dr. J. Ghatak 05-10-1987 Science
34 34 Ak. Manglemjao Singh,Mathematics Mathematics A Mathematical Study of Population Dynamics with particular reference to Manipur Dr. D.P. Sharma 29-10-1987 Science
35 35 L. Brajamandol Singh,Economics Economics Population Growth and Occupational Pattern in a Developmental Process of the Economy of Scheduled Tribes in Manipur (1951 – 1981) Dr. L.Tombi Singh 07-11-1987 Social Science
36 36 Shridhar Deo,Mathematics Mathematics Some Problems of Physical Distributions in Robertson-Walker Universe Dr. R.K. Tarachand Singh 10-12-1987 Science
37 37 K. Biren Singh,Physics Physics An Investigation on the electronic transport properties of some thin metallic films Dr. H. N.K. Sarma 29-12-1987 Science
38 38 Sharif Uddin Ahmed,Life Sciences Life Sciences An electrophoretic approach to biochemical systematics of animals with special reference to fish Prof. H. Tombi Singh 22-02-1988 Science
39 39 Oinam Lukhoi Singh,Life Sciences Life Sciences Comparative Histomorphology and certain aspects of physiology of the digestive tract of odoiporus longicollis (Oliv) (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) Dr. B. Prasad 22-02-1988 Science
40 40 P. Munal Singh,Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) of Manipur Dr. T. Kameshwar Singh 27-02-1988 Science
41 41 N. Joykumar Singh, History History Social Movements in Manipur 1917 – 1951 Gangmumei Kabui 27-02-1988 Social Science
42 42 P. Pravapati Devi, History History The Hostory of rise and growth of Hinduism in Manipur from the earliest times to the Beginning of the 19th Century AD Dr. G.P. Singh 27-02-1988 Social Science
43 43 W. Kumar Singh, Economics Economics Population growth and agricultural development in Manipur 1951 – 1985 Dr. L. Tombi Singh 27-02-1988 Social Science
44 44 W. Raghumani Singh, Linguistics Linguistics A comparative study of Imphal and Kwatha dialects Dr. M.S. Ningomba 09-03-1988 Humanities
45 45 N. Pramodini Devi, History History The Cultural History of early Manipur Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 22-03-1988 Social Science
46 46 N. Ram Singh, Economics Economics Agricultural development in the north-eastern region of` India including Sikkim during the plan period Prof. H. Nabakishore Singh 26-03-1988 Social Science
47 47 M. Mani Meitei, English English The Stream-of-consciousness technique with special reference to the novels of Virgia Woolf Prof. S.N. Prasad 07-04-1988 Humanities
48 48 H. Nabachandra Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri Folk Poetry: Its assessment Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 16-04-1988 Humanities
49 49 Salam Irene Singh, History History Catholic Mission Education in Manipur Dr. S.N. Pandey 27-04-1988 Social Science
50 50 N. Birachandra Singh, History History Socio-religious life of the Meiteis in the 18th century Dr. S.N. Pandey 28-04-1988 Social Science
51 51 Abdul Baten Ahmed, Physics Physics A study of thermally stimulated luminescence in some feldspars Dr. R.K. Gartia 03-05-1988 Science
52 52 S. Pravabati Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the nutritive value and anti-carcinogenic activity of bamboo-shoot ferment Prof. H.Tombi Singh 09-05-1988 Science
53 53 N. Ibotombi Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Structure and behavious of meiotic Prophase chromosomes in Indian silkworms (Antheraea and Philosamia species) Dr. S. C. Kundu 10-05-1988 Science
54 54 K. Ibemnungshi Devi, English English TS Eliot as a Social Critic and Thinker Dr. N. Khagendra Singh 07-06-1988 Humanities
55 55 R.K. Hemakumar Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Reaction of Transition Metal ions with Nitrile Group in presence of Alcohols Dr. Ak. Manihar Singh 15-06-1988 Science
56 56 H. Nalini Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Influence of Hinduism on medieval Manipuri literature Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 11-08-1988 Humanities
57 57 Khangembam Menjor Singh, Economics Economics Co-operative movement in Manipur since independence Prof. M. Iboton Singh 16-08-1988 Social Science
58 58 L. Kunjeswori Devi, History History A study of archaeology in Manipuri since prehistoric times Dr. G.P. Singh 31-08-1988 Social Science
59 59 Hijam Bikramjit Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Flora of Tengoupal District, Manipur Dr. J. Ghatak (Retd) 06-09-1988 Science
60 60 K. Shantibala Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Anouba Manipuri dramada samajgi samsasing Ch. Manihar Singh 04-10-1988 Humanities
61 61 L. Kanhai Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Thermal investigation and stereochemical studies of some cyclic diamine complexes of nickel (II), Zinc (II) and Cadmium (II) in the solid state Dr. S. Mitra 27-10-1988 Science
62 62 Seram Raghumani Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the airspora of Imphal Dr. N. Irabanta Singh 25-11-1988 Science
63 63 Bechan Singh, Hindi Hindi Hindi kahoniyon mein madhyavarg Dr. J.P. Singh 26-11-1988 Humanities
64 64 N. Nonigopal Singh, Linguistics Linguistics A Meitei grammar of roots and affixes Dr. M.S. Ningomba 03-12-1988 Humanities
65 65 Rishabha Deo Sharma, Hindi Hindi A study of post 1970 Hindi poetry (with special reference to national social and political situation) Dr. Devraj 13-12-1988 Humanities
66 66 Nengkhanpau Hauzel, History History History and culture of the Paite Tribe Dr. S.N. Pandey 14-12-1988 Social Science
67 67 P. Naba Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on incidence, biology and control of certain major insects, pests, parasites and predators of Tasar Silkworm Antheraea Proylei Dr. B. Prasad 14-12-1988 Science
68 68 Zarzolien, History History Religious beliefs and practices among the Hmars through the ages Dr. Lal Dena 06-01-1989 Social Science
69 69 B. Victoria Devi, Hindi Hindi Hindi aur Manipuri ki vakyiya sanrachanayon ka tulnatamak adhyan Dr. S. Tomba Singh 06-01-1989 Humanities
70 70 Elangbam Jadu Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Phytosociology, primary productivity and nutrient cycling at Shiroy Hills, Manipur Dr. P. S. Yadava 10-01-1989 Science
71 71 Sharda Pandey, Hindi Hindi Pranishwar nath renu ka upanyasik shilp Dr. J.P. Singh 20-01-1989 Humanities
72 72 Haobam Borobabu Singh, Anthropology Anthropology The early Meitei State and its formation (an ideological model) Dr. Ch. Budhi Singh 27-01-1989 Science
73 73 Ningombam Ibotombi Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Some physical distributions in cosmological models Dr. R.K. Tarachand Singh 30-01-1989 Science
74 74 Sanasam Brajamani Singh, Physics Physics Studies in the dynamics of some physical systems Dr. C. Amuba Singh 30-01-1989 Science
75 75 Lalnghawrlien, Linguistics Linguistics A descriptive grammar of Hmar language Dr. P.C. Thoudam 03-02-1989 Humanities
76 76 Md Ashraf Ali, Economics Economics Economic History of Manipur (1801 – 1951) Dr. L. Tombi Singh 17-02-1989 Social Science
77 77 Ch. Sarojnalini Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Sudies on the Biochemical composition and nutritive value of some fresh and processed fishes of Manipur Dr. W. Vishwanath Singh 17-02-1989 Science
78 78 Soibam Giri Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on certain biochemical aspects of the bamboos of Manipur Dr. L. Janmejay Singh 02-03-1989 Science
79 79 P. Kallu Rao, Commerce Commerce Functioning of the state industrial development corporation in India Dr. V. P. Giri 02-03-1989 Social Science
80 80 Moirangthem Priyobrata Singh, English English A study of the psychology of sex in the novels of D.H. Lawrence Prof. S.N. Prasad 02-03-1989 Humanities
81 81 Biren Rana, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the Feeding behaviour and certain aspects of digestive physiology of oak-tasar silkworm, Antheraea proylei J. Dr. B. Prasad 07-04-1989 Science
82 82 Ranjit Singha, Physics Physics Thermally stimulated luminescence studies in Topaz and Beryl Dr. R.K. Gartia 07-04-1989 Science
83 83 Laishram Basanti Devi, History History A study of political history of Manipur from Pakhangba to Khagemba (33 ad – 1652 AD) Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 07-04-1989 Social Science
84 84 Kh. Shamuangou Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Ecology and bionomics of brow antlered deer (Curvus eldi eldi) Mckekebd 1842 in Keibul lamjao Prof. H. Tombi Singh 21-04-1989 Science
85 85 Rama Srivastava, Hindi Hindi Ramayanikatha aur ramcharitmanas ka tulnatamak adhyayan Prof. K.N. P Magudh 21-04-1989 Humanities
86 86 Nongmaithem Tombi Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri vaishnava natya (Nata sankritan amasung raslila neinaba) Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 01-07-1989 Humanities
87 87 Maimon Shanti Devi, History History Education and social development in Manipur (1872 – 1980) Prof. S.N. Pandey 09-08-1989 Social Science
88 88 Maibam Ranjit Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Functional Analysis and operator theory (fixed point theorems) Prof. A.K. Chatterjee 08-09-1989 Science
89 89 Oynam Ibochaoba Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Ariba Manipuri Sheireng: Sanskriti Amasung kavyagi meetyengda neinaba (Ancient Manipuri Poetry : A cultural and literary study Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 21-09-1989 Humanities
90 90 Lairikyengbam Nilamani Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Distributional Pattern and systematic studies of Thysanopterocecidia in Manipur Prof. B. Prasad 12-10-1989 Science
91 91 Longjam Shantibala Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Biochemical and physiological studies on wood rotting soft fungi Schizophyllum commune Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 09-11-1989 Science
92 92 B. Lalhari Sharma, Earth Science Earth Science Transport Network in Manipur A Geographical Analysis Dr. R.P. Singh 15-11-1989 Science
93 93 W. Budha Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Indigenous games of the Meiteis with special reference to Kang and Polo (19th Century AD) Dr. M. Kirti Singh Dr. Ch. Budhi Singh 29-11-1989 Humanities
94 94 Laishram Dhanapati Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Ethnobiological studies of Manipur valley with reference to museological aspects Dr. S. C. Sinha 11-12-1989 Science
95 95 Mihir Ranjan Chakravorty, Earth Sciences Earth Science Some studies on seismicity of North Eastern India including earthquake spectral analysis Prof. D.K. Ganguli 11-12-1989 Science
96 96 Siamkhum Guite, Political Science Political Science A study of changing faces of Paite Community Prof. L.P. Sinha 13-12-1989 Social Science
97 97 Y. Mohendra Singh, History History Political Relations between Burma and Manipur in the 18th & 19th Century Prof. S.N. Pandey 18-12-1989 Social Science
98 98 Nongthombam Premchand, English English Traditional Manipuri Theatre Dr. N. Khagendra Singh 15-01-1990 Humanities
99 99 Soibam Kumar Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Folklore of Kwatha village Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 27-01-1990 Humanities
100 100 Md. Kheiruddin Shah, Commerce Commerce Delegation of authority in public sector undertakings Dr. V.P. Giri 01-02-1990 Social Science
101 101 Nandeibam Mohendro Singh, Economics Economics Agrarian Relations in Manipur Self (Independent) 08-02-1990 Social Science
102 102 Nongmaithem Rajmuhon Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Studies on outer sphere association of some Cobalt (III) complexes Prof. Ak. Manihar Singh 17-02-1990 Science
103 103 Gina Shangkham, History History British Colonial Rule in Hill Areas of Manipur 1891 – 1947 Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 19-02-1990 Social Science
104 104 Laipubam Gopal Sharma, Mathematics Mathematics Mathematical analysis of fluid film lubrication in some machine elements Dr. R.S. Gupta 21-03-1990 Science
105 105 Gorakh Nath Mishra, Hindi Hindi Ram-Rasayan Aur Ramras-Lahri ka Tulnatmak Adhyayan Prof. K.N. Prasad Magudh 21-03-1990 Humanities
106 106 Yumnam Rajendra Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the Ovipositional Behaviour and developmental response of certain wild silkworms on different food plants with special reference to the quality of cocoon production Prof. B. Prasad 21-03-1990 Science
107 107 Thingbaijam Binoy Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Polulation dynamics, biomass and secondary productivity of above ground insects in the subtropical forest ecosystem at Shiroy Hills, Manipur Dr. P.S. Yadava 26-03-1990 Science
108 108 Kangjam Chaoba Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the Coccinallid Beetles (Coleoptera: Insects) of Manipur Dr. Th Kameswar Singh 05-05-1990 Science
109 109 Nameirakpam Pramodini, Linguistics Linguistics Social Grammar of Meiteilon Dr. D.N.S. Bhat 15-05-1990 Humanities
110 110 Monohermayum Gonchandra Sharma, Life Sciences Life Sciences Study on the hill stream fishes of Manipur with special reference to eco-biology of Schizothora Richardsonii Prof. H. Tombi Singh 21-06-1990 Science
111 111 Yumnam Nara Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Aeropalynology of Kakching Dr. N. Irabanta Singh 21-06-1990 Science
112 112 Soibam Shantibala, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the taxonomy and biology of aphidophgous cocoinellids of Manipur and Nagaland Dr. T. Kameshwar Singh 03-07-1990 Science
113 113 Rajkumar Gambhir Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Study on plant parasitic and soil nematodes associated with fruit plants in Manipur State along with certain ecological observations Dr. Ch. Dhanachand 16-07-1990 Science
114 114 Ramansu Lahiri, Library and Information Science Library & Information Science Serial-control-systems of the university libraries in the north eastern region: A case study Prof. M.R. Kumbhar 24-07-1990 Social Science
115 115 Laishram Bokul Singh, Economics Economics Problems of Agricultural Labour in Manipur with special reference to Thoubal District Dr.Md. Islamuddin 24-07-1990 Social Science
116 116 Ayekpam Ratnaprabha Devi, Mathematics Mathematics Some problems of physical distributions in General Theory of Relativity Prof. R.K. Tarachand Singh 23-08-1990 Science
117 117 Khulem Premeshwari Devi, Economics Economics Strategy of Rural Development in Manipur Prof. M. Iboton Singh 23-08-1990 Social Science
118 118 Md. Badar-Ruddin, History History Politics and Administration in Manipur (1891 – 1949) Prof. S.N. Pandey 23-08-1990 Social Science
119 119 M. Bhubaneshwari Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Physiological Aspects of the Growth and Development of Mango fruit weevils in relation to seasonal changes in Manipur Prof. B. Prasad 24-08-1990 Science
120 120 Mutum Bokul Singh, Anthropology Anthropology The Tarao of Manipur (Social and Demographic change) Dr. B.M. Mukherjee 10-09-1990 Science
121 121 Naorem Kunjabihari Singh, Earth Science Earth Science Some studies relating to Diurnal variation of air temperature and solar radiation over Manipur Prof. C. Amuba Singh Dr. A. Hakim 10-09-1990 Science
122 122 Gurumayum Ibochouba Sharma, Political Science Political Science Legialstive Control over public expenditure – A case study of Manipur State (1972-1979) Prof. L.P. Sinha 01-10-1990 Social Science
123 123 Moinam Binota Devi, Economics Economics A study of fertility and mortality in relation to socio-economic development of Manipur : A case study of Imphal Prof. L. Tombi Singh Dr. R.K. Norendra Singh 26-10-1990 Social Science
124 124 Usham Joykumar Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Some scalar and electromagnetic distributions in relativistic cosmology Prof. R.K. Tarachand Singh 26-10-1990 Science
125 125 Lamabam Ibemhal Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Social consciousness in Modern Manipuri short story Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 08-11-1990 Humanities
126 126 Polem Nabachandra Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Taranipalsuba Chahee chada Manipuri Sahityagi Yaol Prof Ch. Manihar Singh 08-11-1990 Humanities
127 127 Chabungbam Manmohini Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on taxonomy and ecology of Aphidocolous ants (Hymenptera: Formicidae) of Manipur Dr. T. Kaheshwar Singh 09-11-1990 Science
128 128 Mangsidam Jitendra Singh, History History Religion and society in early Manipur Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 27-11-1990 Social Science
129 129 Laishram Inakhunbi Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Litter decomposition and soil respiration in a forest ecosystem at Shiroy Hills, Manipur Dr. P.S. Yadava 03-12-1990 Science
130 130 Hidangmayum Gitaballi Devi, Earth Sciences Earth Science Micro-level planning : A case study of Bishnupur District, Manipur Dr. R.P. Singh 31-12-1990 Science
131 131 A K Joseph Athickal, History History The Marams : A socio-cultural study Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 05-01-1991 Social Science
132 132 Md. Latif Shah, Anthropology Anthropology Bio-Anthropology of the Muslims of Manipur Dr. K. Saratchandra Singh 08-01-1991 Science
133 133 Laishram Dhanabir Singh, Political Science Political Science Political participation in Manipur (1940 – 1984) Dr. N. Ibobi Singh 04-02-1991 Social Science
134 134 Moirangjam Iboton Singh, Philosophy Philosophy Hinduism in Modern Indian Society Dr. M. Kriti Singh 04-02-1991 Humanities
135 135 H. Swarnamayee Devi, Political Science Political Science A comparative study of political integration of north east states with India upto 1950 Dr. N. Ibobi Singh 06-02-1991 Social Science
136 136 Nongmaithem Rajen Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Studies on ion-pair formation and some thermodynamic properties of Bis (1 amidino-0-alkylurea) Copper (II) Prof. Ak. Manihar Singh 21-02-1991 Science
137 137 Naorem Lokendra Singh, History History Socio-economic roots of popular movements in colonial Manipur Valley (1891-1950): Aspects of Social History Prof. S.N. Pandey 28-02-1991 Social Science
138 138 Laxmi Narayan Carpenter, Hindi Hindi Rajasthani evem braj ke lokgeeton ka tulnatamak adhyayan Prof. J.M. Singh 20-03-1991 Humanities
139 139 Sagolsem Lokhol Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Study on the reaction of enaminoketones with Melononitrile Prof. I.S. Khaidem 20-03-1991 Science
140 140 T. Sharatchandra Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Some biochemical Aspects of Synovial joints Dr. R.S. Gupta 15-04-1991 Science
141 141 Karam Kunjani Devi, Political Science Political Science The role of Governor in Indian politics with special reference to Manipur Dr. Ksh. Bimola Devi 25-04-1991 Social Science
142 142 Suchita Kumar, Chemistry Chemistry Chemical and Biochemical studies of Vigna umbellate Prof. I. S. Khaidem 25-04-1991 Science
143 143 Th. Subodh Chandra Singh, Physics Physics Thermally stimulated luminescence of some solids Dr. R.K. Gartia 25-04-1991 Science
144 144 Haobam Bilashini Devi, History History A Historical study of the creative arts of Manipur in Pre and Post Hindu Period (from the Prehistoric age to the first quarter of the 20th Century) Dr. G.P. Singh 03-05-1991 Social Science
145 145 Ashangbam Kabitarani, Life Sciences Life Sciences Cytology and genetics of the Pumpkin Cucurbita moschata powdery mildew deseases Dr. Th. Bhagirath 27-05-1991 Science
146 146 Md Serajuddin, History History Maharaj Churachand Singh of Manipur 1891 – 1941 : A study of the British Rule in a Princely State Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 03-06-1991 Social Science
147 147 Oinam Kumar Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Floristic study of Tamenglong District, Manipur with Ethnobotanical notes Dr. S.C. Sinha 18-07-1991 Science
148 148 Karam Nimaichand Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Investigations on the problems of infestations of Tasar silkworms (A.Proylei J.) and their control Dr. P. Raikumar Singh 02-08-1991 Science
149 149 Sher Singh, Hindi Hindi Hindi ke prakritiwadi upanyas Prof. J.M. Singh 02-08-1991 Humanities
150 150 Md. Ziaur Rahaman Khan, Chemistry Chemistry Study on the syntheses of 216-Dicyano aniline-steroids - 02-08-1991 Science
151 151 Abdul Malik, Life Sciences Life Sciences Thyroid and protoperiod in the annual breeding cycles of the spotted dove, Streptopelia chinensis Dr. Paradesi Lal 30-08-1991 Science
152 152 Thounaojam Khomdon Singh, Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Public Library system in Manipur and how to develop it by Library legislation Prof. M.R. Kumbhar 20-09-1991 Social Science
153 153 Thokchom Lokendro Singh, English English TS Eliot’s Theory and Practice of Criticism Dr. S.K. Tikoo 04-10-1991 Humanities
154 154 Pukhrambam Sanajaoba Singh, English English The Poetic Achievement Christopher Brennan : A Reassessment Prof. S.C. Shah 04-10-1991 Humanities
155 155 Naoroibam Irabot Singh, Political Science Political Science Status of Meitei women in Manipur Prof. M. Horam 10-10-1991 Social Science
156 156 John Mao, Anthropology Anthropology Manipuri : A cultural region Prof. Ch. Budhi Singh 29-10-1991 Science
157 157 Wahengbam Ibempishak Devi, English English John Donne and Robert Browning : A comparative study of dramatic elements in their poetry Prof. N. Khagendra Singh 04-11-1991 Humanities
158 158 Thingbaijam Manihar Singh, Mathematics Mathematics A study of operators and fixed points Dr A.K. Chatterjee 17-12-1991 Science
159 159 Khumukcham Ibohanbi Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Waves in Plasmas Dr. G.C. Das 19-12-1991 Science
160 160 Bhola Nath Karmakar, Mathematics Mathematics Ion-acoustic solitary waves in multi component plasmas Dr. G.C. Das 19-12-1991 Science
161 161 Pukhrambam Ranabir Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Morpho-Histology of the digestive reproductive systems and certain aspects of Osteology of some freshwater cyprinoids in Manipur Dr. P. Raikumar Singh 02-01-1992 Science
162 162 Khoinaijam Rita Devi, History History The socio-economic and political life in ancient India ad depicted in the Buddhist literature Dr. G.P. Singh 01-02-1992 Social Science
163 163 Rajkumari Tombisana Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on fungi associated with rice sheat rot Dr. N. Iboton Singh 19-02-1992 Science
164 164 Thiyam Sobita Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Karyosystematic survey of different bamboo species of Manipur Dr G.J. Sharma 27-02-1992 Science
165 165 Raj Gopal Saxena, Commerce Commerce Marketing in commercial banks : A study of State Bank of India Dr. V.P. Giri 12-03-1992 Social Science
166 166 Wahengbam Ingo Meitei, Life Sciences Life Sciences Dynamics of yield accumulation as influenced by mulching in terrace-slope planting, spacing and nutrition of pineapple (Ananas cosmosus (L) Merr) under hill condition of Manipur Prof. S. C. Kundu 17-03-1992 Science
167 167 Sorokhaibam Sanayaima Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Reproductive biology and certain aspects of conservation of wild life Cervus eldi eldi in Manipur Dr P. Raikumar Singh 17-03-1992 Science
168 168 Dinesh Kumar Choubey, Hindi Hindi Ramayan-katha aur saptakanda-ramayan ka tulnatamak adhyayan Prof. K.N.P. Magudh 17-03-1992 Humanities
169 169 Nirajana Mahanta, Hindi Hindi Magahi aur asomiya lokgiton ka tulnatamak adhyayan Prof. K.N.P. Magudh 17-03-1992 Humanities
170 170 Paonam Minakumari Devi, Education Education The development of pre-primary education in Manipur with special reference to Imphal town (1957 – 1985) Dr. Kh. Gambhini Devi 25-03-1992 Social Science
171 171 Thingbaijam Nabakumar Singh, Earth Sciences Earth Science Nambol Town: A study in development and Planning Prof. R.P. Singh 01-04-1992 Science
172 172 Maibam Damayanti Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Biochemical and genotoxic assessments in irradiated pineapples Dr. G.J. Sharma 02-04-1992 Science
173 173 Thokchom Nandita Devi, Chemistry Chemistry Stereochemical investigations of some sterically crowded molecules Dr. M. Dhaneshwar Singh 06-04-1992 Science
174 174 Naorem Giridhari Singh, Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Personnel problems in Library management : A study of the university and post graduate centre libraries in the North-Eastern region of India Prof. M.R. Kumbhar 20-04-1992 Social Science
175 175 S. Chinnappan, History History Histographical analysis of K.A. Nilakanta Sastri Writings on History Dr. L.B. Varma 20-04-1992 Social Science
176 176 Keisham Madhuri Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Khwairakpam Chaobagi warengda mahakki meetyeng amasung khutyee Dr. S. Tomba Singh 24-04-1992 Humanities
177 177 Aditi Datta, Physics Physics Thermally stimulated Luminescence study of some minerals Dr. R.K. Gartia 24-04-1992 Science
178 178 Irom Tomba Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Impact of migration on population growth in Manipur Dr. K. S. Bhamra 01-05-1992 Science
179 179 Longjam Sharatchandra Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Poetic Technique of Sri Biren Dr. Karam Manimohan Singh 19-05-1992 Humanities
180 180 Rajkumari Manisana Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Samajik Chetna Gi Mityengda Manipuri Upanyas Dr. E. Dinamani Singh 26-05-1992 Humanities
181 181 Thongam Phajabi Devi, Earth Sciences Earth Science Integrated Rural area Development Planning for Thoubal District, Manipur Dr. R.S. Yadava 22-06-1992 Science
182 182 K. Pauzachin Guite, Education Education Development of Education in the hill areas of Manipur Dr. S. Gynaneswar Singh 27-06-1992 Social Science
183 183 Suresh Kumar Mishra, Hindi Hindi Himangshu srivastava ke upanayason ka samaj sastriyayan Prof. J.P. Singh 13-07-1992 Humanities
184 184 R.K. Somorjit Singh, Earth Sciences Earth Science Spatial distribution of diseases in Manipur Dr. R.K. Ranjan Singh 13-07-1992 Science
185 185 Basundhara Thounaojam, Life Sciences Life Sciences Investigation on the bio-chemical and physiological aspects of the wood-rotting fungus (Clitocybe multiceps (Peck) and its host-pathogen relationship Dr.G.A. Shantibala Devi 14-08-1992 Science
186 186 Thoudam Rajen Singh, Earth Science Earth Science An appraisal of industrial development in Manipur / A Geographical Study Dr. R.S. Lal 19-08-1992 Science
187 187 Moirangthem Rajendra Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Meitei, Moirang, Kakching, Andro – makhoigi hourakpa amasung lai haraoba neinaba amasung changdamnaba Prof. Ch.Manihar Singh 03-10-1992 Humanities
188 188 Laishram Kaminikumar Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri shahityada longi yaol Prof. Ch. Manihar Singh 03-10-1992 Humanities
189 189a Haobam Indrakumar Singh, Political Science Political Science Thailand – India relation (1782 – b1882) A study of cultural aspect Prof. M. Horam 03-10-1992 Social Science
190 189b Takhelambam Tomba Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Chakpa Mourning Custom and songs Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 24-11-1992 Humanities
191 190 A.J. Sebastian, English English Gerard Manley Hopkins : A study of his aesthetic and religious quest Dr. R.C. Singh 30-11-1992 Humanities
192 191 Rajkumar Shyamananda Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Study of nutrient enrichment in Loktak Lake with reference to biological indices Prof. H. Tombi Singh 01-12-1992 Science
193 192 Hijam Ibeyaima Devi, Earth Sciences Earth Science Geomorphological studies along the Iril river basin Prof. R.P. Singh 01-12-1992 Science
194 193 Naorem Dhiren Singh, Physics Physics Study of electrical properties of thin alloy films Prof. H.N.K. Sarma 04-12-1992 Science
195 194 Chingzakham Ngaihte, Economics Economics A grarian system of the Zomi Dr. N. Mohendro Singh 17-12-1992 Social Science
196 195 K. Ibomcha Meitei, Economics Economics A study on Khadi & Village Industries in Manipur Dr. N. Mohendro Singh 17-12-1992 Social Science
197 196 Rajkumari Shantilata Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Physiological and Biochemical Studies of Hirneola auricular – Judae (Berk) during the infection with Psidium guajava (Linn) Dr GA Shantibala Devi 24-12-1992 Science
198 197 Lairenlakpam Ibemhal Devi, Hindi Hindi Brajabuli geeti kavya ke pariprekshya men Manipuri geeti kavya ka anusheelan Dr. L. Jha 31-12-1992 Humanities
199 198 Pukhrambam Inakhunbi Devi, Anthropology Anthropology A study on the growth pattern of the Meitei and the Kabui Naga boys of Manipur Dr. K. Saratchandra Singh 31-12-1992 Science
200 199 Soibam Jibonkumar Singh, Anthropology Anthropology Anthropo-genetical variations on the Meiteis of Manipur and Assam Dr. K. Saratchandra Singh 31-12-1992 Science
201 200 Moirangthemcha Arunkumar, Anthropology Anthropology Women’s crime in Manipur Dr. Ch. Budhi Singh 31-12-1992 Science
202 201 Laishram Nandababu Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Thermochemistry of some metal complexes Dr. S. Mitra 31-12-1992 Science
203 202 Thokchom Raghumani Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Studies on surfacetant mediated chemical reactions and applicability of enzyme catalysis models Dr. S.K. Srivastaba 31-12-1992 Science
204 203 Umabati Khumanthem, Life Sciences Life Sciences Physiological significance of potassium in the indigenous maize (Zea mays) of Manipur Dr. L. Janmejay Singh 31-12-1992 Science
205 204 Khumanthem Kheda Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Physiological and biochemical studies on the host parasite relationship between Narenga porphyrocoma (Bor.) and Ustilago consimilis (Sydow) Dr. L. Janmejay Singh 31-12-1992 Science
206 205 Chandraprobha Bhuyan, Education Education Problem of dropouts in Sipajhar, Assam (1968 – 1984) Dr. Kh. Gambhini Devi 31-12-1992 Social Science
207 206 Guruaribam Ibopishak Sharma, English English A study of secular thought in the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning Dr. R.C. Singh 29-01-1993 Humanities
208 207 M. Lokendra, History History Social changes in Manipur (1891 – 1972) Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 01-02-1993 Social Science
209 208 Sapam Rajendra Singh, Political Science Political Science The Janata Government and the World Affairs : A study of India’s foreign policy under the Janata Govt. Prof. M. Horam 08-06-1993 Social Science
210 209 Khangjrakpam Kunjo Singh, English English The Art of Indian Political fiction with special reference to Bhabani Bhattacharya Prof. K.K. Chatterjee 17-06-1993 Humanities
211 210 Elangbam Bijoykumar Singh, Economics Economics Distribution of gains from technological change in Indian Agriculture : A case study of Manipur Prof. M. Iboton Singh 25-06-1993 Social Science
212 211 Thokchom Brojendra Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Chemical investigations of certain medicinal plants of Manipur Dr. M. Dhaneshwar Singh 28-07-1993 Science
213 212 Maimom Homeshwor Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Endocrinology of reproduction in a Protogynous Teleost, Monopterus albus Prof. H.Tombi Singh 28-07-1993 Science
214 213 Ramen Kumar Parui, Physics Physics Some aspects of the stellar evolution to and beyond the Neutron Star Prof. H.N.K. Sarma 28-07-1993 Science
215 214 Soraisam Joychandra Singh, Physics Physics Thermally stimulated luminescenc in some solids irradiated by X or Y – rays Dr. R.K. Gartia Dr. P.S. Majumdar 28-07-1993 Science
216 215 Diller Rahman, History History The Impact of Marxism-Leninism on the National Liberation Movement in India Prof. S.N. Pandey 28-07-1993 Social Science
217 216 Oinam Shashikumar Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the Biology and Nutritive Values of Osteobrama belangeri (Val.) Prof. H. Tombi Singh 30-07-1993 Science
218 217 Thokchom Ibohanbi Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Anganba matamgi seirengda imagery Prof. Ch. Manihar Singh 19-08-1993 Humanities
219 218 Nongmaithem Ibotombi Singh, Earth Sciences Earth Science Petrology land Geochemistry of the carbonate rocks in and around Ukhrul, Manipur State, India Dr. Rajesh Anand 20-08-1993 Science
220 219 Kangabam Mitrani Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Physiology and Biochemistry of Nitrogen fixation in Sesbania aculeate (Pers). Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 26-08-1993 Science
221 220 Padam Narayan Misra, Life Sciences Life Sciences Biosystematics and Bioecology of Hymenopterocecidozoans of Manipur Prof. B. Prasad 15-09-1993 Science
222 221 Kshetrimayum Pramila Devi, Hindi Hindi Satveng Dasak ki hindi aur Manipuri kahanion ka tulnatamak adhyayan Prof. J.P. Singh Dr. Rabin Sarmah 24-09-1993 Humanities
223 222 Ngangbam Narahari Singh, Economics Economics The extent of adoption of improved rice practices by the Scheduled Caste farmers of Manipur Dr. A. Ibopishak Singh 22-11-1993 Social Science
224 223 Rajmani Singha, Commerce Commerce Management in Handloom Industry : A study of the production and marketing of handlooms for exports Dr. V.S. Pai 22-11-1993 Social Science
225 224 Konsam Kundala Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Aerobiological Studies at Imphal Prof. N. Irabanta Singh 09-12-1993 Science
226 225 Karam Shantibala, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on Bio-ecology of two species of Cervaphidini (Homoptera : Aphidoidea) related to their predatory insects in Manipur Dr. T. Kameshwar Singh 09-12-1993 Science
227 226 Rajkumari Binosana Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Thyroid and Photoperiod in the seasonal events of tree sparrow, Passer montanus malaccensis Dr. V.K. Pathak 18-12-1993 Science
228 227 Arambam Giridhari Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Guanine deaminsase in some mammalian tissues Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 18-12-1993 Science
229 228 Keisham Sobita Devi, History History The traditional dresses of Meiteis Prof. Ch. Budhi Singh 18-12-1993 Social Science
230 229 Anupam Ratan Sanker Nagar, English English Mysticism in Tagore’s Poetry Prof. N. Khagendra Singh 23-12-1993 Humanities
231 230 Anju Rani, Commerce Commerce Marketing practices and problems in Bicycles Industry in India – A case study of Atlas Cycle Industries Ltd., Sonepat Prof. V.P. Giri Dr. S.K. Sharma 29-12-1993 Social Science
232 231 Anil Kumar Singh, English English Women in Indo-Anglian Fiction : A concentrated study of major cases in point Prof. S.N. Prasad 25-02-1994 Humanities
233 232 N. Tejmani Singh, Commerce Commerce Working capital management of small scale industries in Manipur Dr. S.K. Sharma 07-03-1994 Social Science
234 233 Rajkumar Bhubon Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Thermal investigation and stereochemical studies of some cyclic ligand complexes of Nickel II, Copper II, Zinc II, Cadmium II and Palladium II in the solid state Dr. Samiran Mitra 18-03-1994 Science
235 234 K.Nabachandra Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Ultrasonic studies of Aqueous solutions of some Amino acids Dr. B.P. Chakraborty 18-03-1994 Science
236 235 Konjengbam Kamala, Commerce Commerce Diversification as a Corporate Strategy : The Indian Scenario Dr. V.S. Pai 27-04-1994 Social Science
237 236 Mrinal Kanti Ghosh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Effect of some agrochemicals on foliage yield and chemical constituents of Quercus serrata Thun, and its impact on oak-tasar silkworm rearing Dr. R.C. Srivastava 12-05-1994 Science
238 237 Hiralal Prasad, Hindi Hindi Bhojpuri aur Assameya lok geetongka tulnatamak adhyayan Dr. J.M. Singh 30-05-1994 Humanities
239 238 Jai Shankar Rai, Hindi Hindi Nayi kavita ki shilp-vidhi Dr. Devraj 30-05-1994 Humanities
240 239 Laishram Robin Singh, Economics Economics Social forestry vis-à-vis forest development planning in Manipur Prof. M. Iboton Singh 30-05-1994 Social Science
241 240 M. Sharat Singh, Physics Physics Ionic conductivity and optical properties of impurity doped alkali halides Prof. H.N.K. Sarma 10-06-1994 Science
242 241 Chingtham Kulabidhu Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Thadougi folklore neinaba Dr. H. Behari Singh 25-06-1994 Humanities
243 242 Oinam Premila Chanu, Life Sciences Life Sciences Analysis of chromosomes in irradiated tasar and eri silkworms Prof. S.C. Kundu 08-07-1994 Science
244 243 Laishram Somen Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Bio-ecological studies of Tuberculatus nervatus Chakrabarti & Raychaudhuri (Homoptera:Aphididae) and its natural enemy complex on Quercus serrata Thumb. in Manipur Prof. T. Kameshwar Singh 22-07-1994 Science
245 244 Yumnam Debaraj, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on bio-ecology and control of the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Manipur Prof. T. Kameshwar Singh 22-07-1994 Science
246 245 C. Srinivas, Life Sciences Life Sciences Plant biomass, net primary productivity and nutrient cycling in Oak (Quercus serrata) forests of Manipur Prof. P. S. Yadava 28-07-1994 Science
247 246 Robita Sorokhaibam, Commerce Commerce Performance evaluation of development financial institutions : A comparative study of SIDCs and SFCs Dr. P. Kallu Rao 30-07-1994 Social Science
248 247 Shji Thomas, Commerce Commerce Impact of Reserve Bank of India’s regulations on Banks’ income and profitability Dr. P. Kallu Rao 30-07-1994 Social Science
249 248 Janatun Begum, Geography Geography Poverty alleviation programme in Manipur valley: A geographical analysis Prof. R.P. Singh 20-08-1994 Science
250 249 Vedaja Sanjenbam, Geography Geography Growth centres in Manipur : A study in integrated regional development Prof. R.P. Singh 20-08-1994 Science
251 250 Raj Kumar Yadvendra, Commerce Commerce Dynamics of perceptual and attitudinal change and productivity : A case study of NHPC (Loktak Hydroelectric Project, Manipur) Prof. V.P. Giri 12-09-1994 Social Science
252 251 Thiyam Brajakeshwar Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the reproductive biology and inducement of breeding in the cyprinid fish, Channa orientalis (Schneider) Dr. W. Vishwanath Singh 12-09-1994 Science
253 252 Okram Ibeton Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Distribution, primary production and nutrient status of macrophytic communities in Waithou Lake Dr. B. Manihar Sharma 14-09-1994 Science
254 253 N. Beenakumari Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Phytosociology, primary production and nutrient status of macrophytes of Loktak Lake, Manipur Dr. B. Manihar Sharma 14-09-1994 Science
255 254 Lalhmuoklien, Life Sciences Life Sciences Breeding biology of certain avifauna in Imphal valley: cause proxima analysis Dr. Paradeshi Lal 14-09-1994 Science
256 255 R.K. Musuksana Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri phungawarishinggi shaking amasung shajat (Maru oina jadu-mantragi phungawarishingga mari leinana neinaba) Dr. O. Ibochouba Singh 01-10-1994 Humanities
257 256 Nongthombam Nila Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Synthesis of some hydrazones and spectrophotometric study of their applications as analytical reagents Prof. I. S. Khaidem 03-10-1994 Science
258 257 Memcha Loitongbam, Commerce Commerce Growth centre strategy integrated development planning : A Case study of Imphal district, Manipur Prof. V.P. Giri 05-10-1994 Social Science
259 258 Thoidingjam Madhuri Devi, Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Study of the peculiarities of the names of North East Region of India for cataloguing Prof. M.R. Kumbar 13-10-1994 Social Science
260 259 Ningthoukhongjam Debendra, History History Socio-cultural history of Manipur (15th to 17th Century) Prof. S.N. Pandey 17-10-1994 Social Science
261 260 Oinam Dwijamani Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Systematic survey of flower thrips of Manipur (N.E.India) and Certain bio-ecological aspects of Megalurothrips distalis (Karny)(Thripidae:Terabrantia: Thysanoptera:Insecta) Dr. R. Varathranjan 17-11-1994 Science
262 261 Uday Narayan Singh, Commerce Commerce Decision making strategies in secondary schools: A study in Indian perspective Prof. V.P. Giri 17-11-1994 Social Science
263 262 Kh. Pradipkumar Singh, Geography Geography Imphal City: A study of urban environment and social well-being Dr. R. S. Yadava 17-11-1994 Science
264 263 Ritakumari Aheibam, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on certain physiological changes in the Gut and Haemolymph of diseased Antheraea proylei J. Larvae (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) Prof. B. Prasad 17-11-1994 Science
265 264 N. Taulchin, History History History and culture of the Zoumis Dr N. Joykumar Singh 17-11-1994 Social Science
266 265 Khuraijam Vimla Devi, Anthropology Anthropology Women in Meitei society and culture – Anthropological case studies Dr. W. Nabakumar Singh 09-12-1994 Science
267 266 Thokchom Biren Singh, Economics Economics A perspective of agricultural and horticultural development in Manipur during the plan period Prof. H. Nabakishore Singh 09-12-1994 Social Science
268 267 Ningthoujam Munanthoi Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Air spora studies in Imphal Prof. N. Irabanta Singh 09-12-1994 Science
269 268 Okram Bino Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on Bionomics and fishery of Osteobrama belangeri (Val). Prof. H. Tombi Singh 22-12-1994 Science
270 269 Thokchom Binarani Devi, Political Science Political Science Social and political changes in Manipur (1947 – 87) Prof. Ksh. Bimola Devi 22-12-1994 Social Science
271 270 Kh. Bimolata Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Primary production and nutrient cycling in Pinus kesia forests of Manipur Dr. B. Manihar Sharma 22-12-1994 Science
272 271 Lukram Bimala Devi, Education Education An investigation into the problems of teacher education in Manipur (At secondary stage) Dr. S. Gyaneswar Singh 04-01-1995 Social Science
273 272 Sougrakpam Gojen Meitei, Earth Sciences Earth Science Manipur : A comparative study in Urban Morphology Dr. Kh. Yaima Singh 03-02-1995 Science
274 273 Krishna Mani Sen, Mathematics Mathematics Some problems of nonlinear waves in plasmas Dr. G.C. Das 09-02-1995 Science
275 274 Tikendrajit Singh Paonam, Commerce Commerce Financial performance of NHPC : with special reference to Loktak Hydro Electric Project Dr. P. Kallu Rao 16-02-1995 Social Science
276 275 Waikhom Radzireani Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Effect of burning on the structure and dynamics of grassland ecosystem in Manipur Prof. P.S. Yadava 25-02-1995 Science
277 276 Z.V. Freepaothing, History History Social change among the Tangkhul nagas Dr. Lal Dena 25-02-1995 Social Science
278 277 Yumnam Temba Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Analysis of fluid inertia in some lubrication problems Dr. R.S. Gupta 09-03-1995 Science
279 278 Gurumayum Ibemhal Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Physiological and biochemical studies of fermented Glycine max (L) Hawaizar Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 09-03-1995 Science
280 279 Ningthoujam Sangbanbi Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the air spora over some crop fields in Imphal District Prof. N. Irabanta Singh 09-03-1995 Science
281 280 Rajkumari Bhanisana Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the physiology and biochemistry of Hamei Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 09-03-1995 Science
282 281 Laishram Sanahanbi Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences The interaction of environmental factors and thyroid-gonad axis of Bufo melanostictus Dr Paradeshi Lal 09-03-1995 Science
283 282 Heisnam Nilkant Singh, History History A comparative study of the political system of the Meiteis of Manipur with the Tais of South East Asia (from the 15th Century AD to 19th Century AD) Prof. Gangumumei Kabui 24-03-1995 Social Science
284 283 Shougaijam Dorendrajit Singh, Physics Physics Investigation of thermally stimulated processes in solids Prof. R.K. Gartia 29-03-1995 Science
285 284 Ashok Kumar Jha, History History A historical study of the Matsya Purana Dr. G.P. Singh 03-04-1995 Social Science
286 285 Rajkumar Sanatomba Singh, Anthropology Anthropology A study of types and causes of crime in Manipur :Socio-legal medicine approach Dr. K. Saratchandra Singh 05-04-1995 Science
287 286 Chongtham Chandrakala Devi, Linguistics Linguistics A comparative study of Imphal Sekmai and Khurkhul dialects of meiteirol Dr. P. Madhubala Devi 06-04-1995 Humanities
288 287 Longjam Ibochouba Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Some cosmological problems on relativistic physical distributions Prof.R.K. Tarachand Singh 10-04-1995 Science
289 288 Elangbam Girija Devi, Earth Sciences Earth Science Geomorphology of the Leimatak Basin Dr. R.A.S. Kushwaha 10-04-1995 Science
290 289 Maheschandra Sankhyadhar, Hindi Hindi Sathottari Hindi Nukkar-Natakon mein samakaleen bharatiya rajneitik, aarthik avam samajik paridrishya Dr. Devraj 10-04-1995 Humanities
291 290 Kshetrimanyum Pratima Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Thyroidal involvement in reproductive physiology of the migratory black-headed bunting Emberiza melanocephala Dr Paradeshi Lal 17-04-1995 Science
292 291 L. Jeyaseelam, Political Science Political Science Christianity and its impact. Socio-political and economic with special reference to Churachandpur District of Manipur Prof. M. Horam 17-04-1995 Social Science
293 292 Keisham Rajen Singh, Earth Sciences Earth Science Hydrogeomorphological studies in Imphal district Dr Arun Kumar 06-06-1995 Science
294 293 Okram Kumar Singh, Anthropology Anthropology Stone Age cultures of Manipur Dr. L. Rajendra Singh 14-06-1995 Science
295 294 Thoudam Biren Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Some problems of facility location in deterministic models Prof. R.K. Tarachand Singh 20-06-1995 Science
296 295 Yumnam Jakendra Singh, Physics Physics Design and performance evaluation of some solar appliances Prof. H.N.K. Sarma 01-07-1995 Science
297 296 Yumnam Momon Devi, English English Loanwords in Meiteilon (Manipuri) : A Linguistic study Dr. A.G. Khan 01-07-1995 Humanities
298 297 Leimakhujam Dinachandra Singh, Earth Sciences Earth Science Landuse and geoenvironmental assessment of the Khuga river catchment Dr Arun Kumar 31-07-1995 Social Science
299 298 Chanamthabam Basudha Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Utilization of aquatic weed based feed for raising endemic medium carp Osteobrama belangeri (Val) Dr. W. Vishwanath Singh 05-08-1995 Science
300 299 V. Vaidevel, Commerce Commerce A study on the functioning of construction industry in India with its strategic analysis Dr. V.S. Pai 25-08-1995 Social Science
301 300 Khumallambam Sorojini Devi, History History British Political Agency in Manipur 1835 – 1947 Prof. S.N. Pandey 25-08-1995 Social Science
302 301 Samadram Surchandra Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Some problems on ion-acoustic solitary wave propagation in plasmas Dr. G.C. Das 04-10-1995 Science
303 302 Adhikarimayum Sharatchandra Sharma, Linguistics Linguistics Taboo in Meiteilon Prof. P.C. Thoudam 04-10-1995 Humanities
304 303 Nongthombam Ranjit Singh, Physics Physics Studies on electron and positron impact ionization of atoms and positronium formation in positron atom scattering Dr. P.S. Mazumdar 25-10-1995 Science
305 304 Rajkumari Rajeshwari Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Reproductive events in the red avadavat Estrilda amandava: possible involment of opioidergic system Dr. Paradeshi Lal 25-10-1995 Science
306 305 Sanasam Ingotombi, Physics Physics Geological implications of Thermoluminescence (TL) of some sedimentary materials of Ukhrul district of Manipur (India) Prof. R.K. Gartia 04-11-1995 Science
307 306 Sachchidananda Chaturvedi, Hindi Hindi Agyaya ke nibandhon ra Vishleshnatmak Adhyayan Dr. Devraj 18-11-1995 Humanities
308 307 Keisham Bheigyachandra Singh, History History Manipur under Maharaja Chandrakeerti Singh (1850 AD – 1880 AD) Prof. S.N. Pandey 04-12-1995 Social Science
309 308 Rosiem Pudaite, History History Impact of Indian National Movement in the hill areas of the North east India (with special reference to the Mizo Union Movement 1935 – 1953 AD) Prof. Lal Dena 04-12-1995 Social Science
310 309 Sapam James Singh, Hindi Hindi Aanchalikta ke pariprekshya men Ramdarsh Mishra ke upnyason ka adhyayan Prof. Jawahar Singh 11-12-1995 Humanities
311 310 Keisham Manibabu Singh, Economics Economics Financing of Rural Development in Manipur 1980 – 1990 Prof. N. Mohendro Singh 11-12-1995 Social Science
312 311 Ningombam Nilakanta Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Taxonomic studies on Odonata fauna of Manipur Prof. B. Prasad 23-12-1995 Science
313 312 Saikhom Ibomcha Singh, Economics Economics Changes in the socio-economic structure of Imphal district during the plan period Prof. H. Nabakishore Singh 12-03-1996 Social Science
314 313 Sapam Bijaya Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Laining Laisholgee Oiba Manipuri Khunnung Ishei Dr. O. Ibochouba Singh 12-03-1996 Humanities
315 314 Preeti Srivastava, Hindi Hindi Aatm Ramayan aur Ramras Lahri ka tulnatmak adhyayan Prof. K.N.Prasad Magudh 18-03-1996 Humanities
316 315 Chingkholian Guite, Political Science Political Science Politico-economic development of the Zomis of Manipur Statehood Dr. Ratna Tikoo 30-04-1996 Social Science
317 316 Vikod Kumar Sharma, Hindi Hindi Samajik chetna ke pariprekshye men amarkant ke kahaniyon ka aadhyan Prof. J.P. Singh 30-04-1996 Humanities
318 317 Thounaojam Anibolin Devi, Hindi Hindi Vishnu prabhakar ke natakong mein adhunik naaree Dr. Devraj 30-04-1996 Humanities
319 318 Sagolsem Lanchenba Meetei, Hindi Hindi Hindi aur Manipuri ki pramukh lokgathaon mein katharak Prof. J.M. Singh 30-04-1996 Humanities
320 319 Kongbrailatpam Sadhana Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Mahousadagi chatnarakpa meiteigi ana laiyeng amasung hidak langthak Dr. S. Sanatombi Singha 09-05-1996 Humanities
321 320 Potsangbam Rajbihari Singh, Economics Economics Post-independence socio-economic transformation in Assam : A case study of the Lakhipur Development Block Prof. M. Iboton Singh 09-05-1996 Social Science
322 321 Rajkumar Sanajaoba Singh, Philosophy Philosophy A study of the problem of other minds Prof. S. Shyamkishore Singh 16-06-1996 Humanities
323 322 Rajkumar Imotomba Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Survival, pathogenic variability and management of Sphingomonas oryzae sp.nov. causing bacterial blight of rice in Manipur Dr. N. Iboton Singh 24-06-1996 Science
324 323 Langonjam Pishak Devi, Physics Physics Fractual analysis of some random phenomena Dr. Th. Jekendra Singh 01-07-1996 Science
325 324 Sanasam Bita Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Anishuba lanjao matungi Manipuri nupishingna iba sahitya neinaba(1942-1990) Dr. N. Tombi Singh 01-07-1996 Humanities
326 325 H. Noni Kumar Singha, Manipuri Manipuri Cachar jilagi Manipuri (Meitei) phungawari neinaba Dr. H. Behari Singh 22-08-1996 Humanities
327 326 Leitam Nabachandra Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on intercropping potato (Solanum tuberosum Linn) with pulses under rainfed clay soil of Manipur Dr. A. Ibopishak Singh 23-08-1996 Science
328 327 Rekharani Kar, History History Freedom movement in Orissa with special reference to Sambalpur Prof. S.N. Pandey 17-09-1996 Social Science
329 328 Laikangbam Nongdren Khomba Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the fungi associated with rice collar rot in Manipur Dr. N. Iboton Singh 17-09-1996 Science
330 329 Vinod Kumar Agrawal, Commerce Commerce Entrepreneurship development through secondary education – A case study of CBSE Delhi Prof. V.P. Giri 08-10-1996 Social Science
331 330 Kunjabihari Huidrom, Manipuri Manipuri Ariba Manipuri Sahityada akal athousinggi saktam Prof. Ch. Manihar Singh 10-10-1996 Humanities
332 331 Yumnam Mangi Singh, History History Development of sports and physical education in Manipur (1947-1990) Prof. S.N. Pandey 26-10-1996 Social Science
333 332 Thoidingjam Purnima Devi, Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Citation analysis of the Ph.D.theses in social sciences accepted by Gauhati University during 1970 -1980 Dr. R. Lahiri Dr. S.L. Sangam 28-11-1996 Social Science
334 333 Akoijam Swarnalata Devi, Library & Information Science library & Information Science Agricultural-information-system in Manipur: A study Dr. R. Lahiri 28-11-1996 Social Science
335 334 Shajahan Sardar, Anthropology Anthropology The Koirengs of Manipur: A study on their economy and development Dr. W. Nabakumar Singh 06-12-1996 Science
336 335 Zeenat Ahmed, Hindi Hindi Hindi aur asomiya ke ‘Mirgawati’ sajnyak kavyon ka tulnatmak adhyayan Prof. K.N.Prasad Magudh 11-12-1996 Humanities
337 336 Loitongbam Minaketan Singh, Earth Science Earth Science Hydrogeological studies of Imphal valley Dr. Rajesh Anand Prof. A.K.Roy 24-12-1996 Science
338 337 Akoijam Narendrajit Meitei, Hindi Hindi Manipur upatyake ke pramukh sthan jatha gram namon ke bhashashastria adhyayan Dr. Lambodar Jha 24-12-1996 Humanities
339 338 Thounaojam Surendra Singh, Hindi Hindi Hindi sakshatkar sahitya: Agyeya ke vishesh Sandarbha mei Dr. Devraj Dr. Ibohal Singh Kangjam 30-12-1996 Humanities
340 339 Khumujam Ratankumar Singh, History History The Lai-Haoraoba of Manipur (A social, cultural and historical study) Prof. Gangmumei Kabui 30-12-1996 Social Science
341 340 Th. Baba Chandra Singha, History History The socio-economic life of the Zeme Naga in the twentieth century Prof. N. Joykumar Singh 03-01-1997 Social Science
342 341 Yumnam Anandi Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Nematode fauna associated with the bananas of Manipur Dr. Dhanachand Chongtham 15-01-1997 Science
343 342 Naorem Mohilal, Life Sciences Life Sciences Plant parasitic and soil nematodes of Ukhrul and Chandel Districts Dr. Dhanachand Chongtham 15-01-1997 Science
344 343 Khangjrakpam Ibohanbi Singh, Education Education A critical study of the development of primary education in the NE Region of India with special reference to Manipur Dr. L. Leiren Singh 25-01-1997 Social Science
345 344 Chanam Debojit Singh, Earth Sciences Earth Science Petrochemistry of disangs between Imphal and Mao, Manipur Dr. R.A.S. Kushwaha 25-01-1997 Science
346 345 Tapan Kumar Chakrabarty, Statistics statistics Impact of educational attainments on intergenerational occupational mobility : A statistical study Prof. B.M. Singh 07-02-1997 Science
347 346 Kailash Kumar, Life Sciences Life Sciences Characterization of soil acidity and lime requirement of mid hill soils of Manipur with special reference to glycine max and vigna radiata crops Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 11-02-1997 Science
348 347 Hemam Lilabati Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Evaluation of nutritional and microbiological quality of fresh, smoked and iced fishes of Manipur Dr. W. Vishwanath Singh 18-02-1997 Science
349 348 Ram Prasad Pradhan, Hindi Hindi Chhaganlal Jan : Vyaktitva aur Krititva Prof. K.N.P. Magudh 28-02-1997 Humanities
350 349 Durga Prasad, Hindi Hindi Nirala ke Kavya mein Yugbodh Dr. Ibohal Singh Kangjam 28-02-1997 Humanities
351 350 Yumnam Ibehaibi Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri (Meitei) Legend neinaba Dr. H. Behari Singh 28-02-1997 Humanities
352 351 Maibam Sanatomba Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Meitei Mayekki Hourakpa amasung chaokhatlakpa (Origin and Development of Meitei Script) Dr. S. Tomba Singh 28-02-1997 Humanities
353 352 Moirangthem Ranjit Singh, History History Social changes in Manipur Prof. S.N. Pandey 28-02-1997 Social Science
354 353 Waikhom Ibeyaima Devi, Hindi Hindi Samakalin Mahila kahanikarong ki kahaniyong me nari-mukti-chetna ke vividha aayam Prof. Jawahar Singh 05-05-1997 Humanities
355 354 Naorem Bhagyachandra Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Relativistic physical distributions in cosmological models Prof. R.K. Tarachand Singh 05-05-1997 Science
356 355 Rajkumari Premabati Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Effects of some fertilizers and plant growth hormones on Nitrogen metabolism of Parkia javanica (Merr) Prof. R.C. Srivastava 05-05-1997 Science
357 356 Khagokpam Biren Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Chemical investigation of pogostemon parviflorus benth Prof. I.S. Khaidem 13-05-1997 Science
358 357 T. James Keisa, Life Sciences Life Sciences Bionomics and control of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hoos (Thysanoptera:Insecta) on Capsicum annum L. (Solanaceae) Dr. R. Varatharajan 13-05-1997 Science
359 358 Sapam Aruna Devi, Economics Economics Development of Small scale and household industries in Manipur (During the Plan period) Prof. H. Nabakishore Singh 13-05-1997 Social Science
360 359 N. Memchoubi Devi, Commerce Commerce Industrial Relations and Organisational effectiveness in public sector organizations in Manipur Prof. V.P. Giri Dr. S.K. Sharma 20-05-1997 Social Science
361 360 H. Meghachandra Singh, Hindi Hindi Dhumil avan Laishram Samarendra ke kavya ka tulanatmak adhyayan Dr. K.Ibohal Singh Dr Devraj 20-05-1997 Humanities
362 361 Hodam Dorycanta, Life Sciences Life Sciences Nitrogen fixing blue green algae from rice field soils of Mizoram and Nagaland for biofertilizer technology Prof. N. Irabanta Singh 21-05-1997 Science
363 362 Maibam Shamungou Singh, Linguistics Linguistics A descriptive grammar of Aimol Dr. Ch. Yashawanta Singh 28-05-1997 Humanities
364 363 Wahengbam Manojkumar Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Fish of the Chakpi Manipur River complex and biology of the Bariline cyprinid Barilius ngawa sp.nov. Dr. W. Vishwanath Singh 19-06-1997 Science
365 364 Md. Shalauddin, Education Education A study on the influence of physical education on the physical fitness of the boys in the high schools of Manipur Dr. P. Jamini Devi 19-06-1997 Social Science
366 365 Harish Chandra, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on aero-phyllo microflora of Oak (Quercus serrata Thunb.) in Manipur with special reference to certain bacterial diseases of Oak Tasar soilworm (Antheraea proylie Jolly) Prof.N. Irabanta Singh 26-06-1997 Science
367 366 Toijam Rajen Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Lai Haraoba Traditional Theatre Ama Oina Neinaba Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 16-07-1997 Humanities
368 367 Nongthombam Ibohal Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Bio-ecology and control measures of certain major Lepidopteran insect pests of Quercus serrata Thunb. Dr. B. Prasad 29-07-1997 Science
369 368 Chongtham Saroja Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the foraging behaviour, pollination requirements and pesticide toxicity of honey bees in relation to repeseed production Dr. M. Premjit Singh 29-07-1997 Science
370 369 Thounaojam Dhanamanjuri Devi, Chemistry Chemistry Substrate-Surfactant interactions and Spectrophotometric Estimation Dr. S.K. Srivastava 12-08-1997 Science
371 370 Khundrakpam Jugindro Singh, Geography Geography Urbanization trends in north-east India A spatio Temporal Analysis Dr. M. Balaram Singh 18-08-1997 Science
372 371 Khumukcham Ibohal Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the bee pollination of sunflower with a note on the pesticide toxicity to foraging bees Dr. M. Premjit Singh 18-08-1997 Science
373 372 Kharibam Somorendro Singh, Economics Economics Rural Credit with special reference to the role of the primary level agricultural cooperative in Manipur during plan period Dr. N. Mohendro Singh 05-09-1997 Social Science
374 373 Thounaojam Kanon Devi, Anthropology Anthropology Variation of growth and development patterns between the girls of Sekmai and Meitei of northern Imphal valley Dr. Kh. Shakhitombi Devi 20-09-1997 Science
375 374 Ningombam Jayanti, Commerce Commerce Management Control system in State enterprises of Manipur   24-09-1997 Social Science
376 375 Chungkham Sheela Ramani, English English Women in the American West: A study of the role of women in the major novels of Louis L’Amour Prof. N. Khagendra Singh 24-09-1997 Humanities
377 376 Senjam Mangi Singh, Political Science Political Science A study of some selected socio-political problems in Manipur Prof. M. Horam 04-10-1997 Social Science
378 377 Zawlthanglien Changsan, Life Sciences Life Sciences Biochemical studies of certain varieties of chillies (Capsicum annum L. & C.frutescens L.) in Manipur with special reference to Capsaicin, Capsaicinoids, Sugar, Protein, Fat, Ascorbic Acid, Phenol, Chlorophyll and moisture contents Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 04-10-1997 Science
379 378 Nongmaithem Bijaya Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Sekmaigi folklore neinaba Dr. H. Behari Singh 08-10-1997 Humanities
380 379 Laishram Shantikumari Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Kamal,Chaoba,Angahal amasung Guno, Binodinigi upanyashingda yaoriba nupigi charitra changdamnaduna neinaba Dr. N. Aruna Devi 18-10-1997 Humanities
381 380 Gurumayum Amita Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Nitrogen fixing blue green algae from rice field soils of Manipur and their possible use as biofertilizer Prof. N. Irabanta Singh 21-10-1997 Science
382 381 Mayengbam Pishak Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Ecology of Loktak lake with special reference to fish and fisheries of the lake Prof. H. Tombi Singh 23-10-1997 Science
383 382 Ranjit Singh, Geography Geography Territoriality in Imphal city: A spatio-temporal analysis from Geographical perspective Prof. R.P. Singh 19-11-1997 Science
384 383 Ningombam Ibenoubi Devi, Chemistry Chemistry Studies on the stability constants of some Bivalent transition metal complexes Dr. Ak. Manihar Singh 09-12-1997 Science
385 384 Moirangthem Mani Singh, English English Human relationshilp in the novels of Ernest Hemingway Prof. N. Khagendra Singh 19-12-1997 Humanities
386 385 Yumnam Bihari Singh, Philosophy Philosophy An examination of Plato’s theory of reality Dr. A. Dorendra Singh 19-12-1997 Humanities
387 386 Irungbam Jamuna Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Comparative symbiotic efficiency of certain mycorrhizal fungi associated with Pinus kesiya Royle Ex.Gord. Dr. M. Shyamkesho Singh 22-12-1997 Science
388 387 Thounaojam Ratankumar Singh, English English Ezra Prund: A study of an Imagist’s exploration of language and images Prof. N. Khagendra Singh 24-12-1997 Humanities
389 388 Khagokpam Dhiren Meitei, Commerce Commerce Marketing strategies in Life Insurance corporation of India: A case study of Manipur Dr. G.P. Prasain Prof. S.K. Sharma 24-01-1998 Social Science
390 389 Nahakpam Randhir Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Mutagenesis and induced variability in Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens (L). DC var.utilis) Dr. M. Rohinikumar Singh 31-01-1998 Science
391 390 Arambam Lokendra Singh, History History Meitei cultural history: Economy, Society and Ideology from early times to the eighteenth century AD Prof. S.N. Pandey 03-02-1998 Social Science
392 391 Wangkhem Indira Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Effect of some micronutrients on the physiological and biochemical studies of Brassica oleracea Var.Capitata L Dr. GA Shantibala Devi 03-02-1998 Science
393 392 Konjengbam Rashitombi Devi, Education Education A study of socialization process among the Rongmei nagas of Imphal – Manipur Dr. S. Gunadhor Singh 11-03-1998 Social Science
394 393 Mutum Mangi Singh, English English Love and optimism in the poetry of Robert Browning Dr. R.C. Singh 11-03-1998 Humanities
395 394 Oinam Noyon Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Physiological and biochemical changes occurring during infection of the aerial portions of Rumex maritimus Linn. with smut fungus ustilago parletoreii FA Waldheim Prof. L. Janmejay Singh 13-04-1998 Science
396 395 Paga Giri Rao, Commerce Commerce Impact of the development banking on industrial development in India Prof. V.P. Giri 28-04-1998 Social Science
397 396 Ngangkham Ibotombi Singh, Economics Economics Problem and prospects of employment in Manipur 1961 – 81 Prof. L. Tombi Singh P.C. Dey 28-04-1998 Social Science
398 397 Khangembam Keinahanbi Devi, Physics Physics Generation of structures in cellular automata Dr. Th. Jekendra Singh 13-05-1998 Science
399 398 Loitongbam Birjita Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri Paorou neinaba Dr. S. Sanatombi Singha 13-05-1998 Humanities
400 399 Kananbala Sanangthem, Life Sciences Life Sciences Extraction of phytosterols from fresh and fermented edible succulent bamboo shoots and their microbial bioconversion into androsta – 1, 4-Diene-3, 17-Dione (ADD) Dr. R.C. Srivastava 14-05-1998 Science
401 400 K. Gailangam, History History Economic changes in Manipur during the British Rule 1891 – 1947 Dr. N. Lokendra Singh 14-05-1998 Social Science
402 401 Khwairakpam Loken Singh, Linguistics Linguistics Word-formation in Kuki-Chin Group Dr. Ch. Yashawanta Singh 23-05-1998 Humanities
403 402 Anoubam Radhapyari Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Comparative study of net primary production and nutrient status in the grasslands of Canchipur, Manipur Dr. B. Manihar Sharma 30-05-1998 Science
404 403 Maibam Sumarjit Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the effect of Azotobacter on rice Dr. N. Iboton Singh 30-05-1998 Science
405 404 Phurailatpam Ranjit Sharma, Life Sciences Life Sciences Collection, characterization, evaluation and genetic divergence of local hill rice (Oryze sativa L.) cultivars of Manipur Dr. M. Rohinikumar Singh 30-05-1998 Science
406 405 Khundongbam Gokulchandra Singh, Philosophy Philosophy A critical study of A.J. Ayer’s Theory of Perceptual knowledge Prof. S. Shyamkishore Singh 10-06-1998 Humanities
407 406 M.G. Thuanliang, Economics Economics Land use pattern in Tribal areas of Manipur: Problems and prospects Mohd. Islamuddin 18-06-1998 Social Science
408 407 Dipa Deka, Hindi Hindi Rajasthani aur Asameeya lokgeeton ka sanskritik adhyayan Prof. J.M. Singh 27-06-1998 Humanities
409 408 Ngangom Ekashini Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri Lok Mahakavya Dr. O. Ibochouba Singh 08-07-1998 Humanities
410 409 Akham Jibanlata Devi, Chemistry Chemistry Physico chemical studies and thermodynamics of Ion association of some cobalt (III) Mixed Ligand complexes Dr. N. Rajmuhon Singh 28-07-1998 Science
411 410 Ningombam Romabati Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the Nematodes associated with certain medicinal plants of Manipur Dr. Ch. Dhanachand 03-08-1998 Science
412 411 Laishram Imoba Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri swamajda khut-sa heibagi mahei-mashing (Taranipal suba chahichadagi anisuba lanjaophaoba) Dr. P. Gunindra Singh 06-08-1998 Science
413 412 Akoijam Anita Chanu, Earth Science Earth Science Geochemical and radiogenic isotopic study of groundwater of Imphal area, Manipur Prof. Rajesh Anand 10-08-1998 Humanities
414 413 Sinalei Khayi, History History Arts and crafts of the Tangkhuls: A study in their Cultural significance Prof. Lal Dena 14-08-1998 Social Science
415 414 Dinanath Singh, Hindi Hindi Shivprasad Singh ke upanyas on ka samay shastrya adhyayan Prof. Jawahar Singh 13-10-1998 Humanities
416 415 Namoijam Subhasini Devi, Linguistics Linguistics Meitei Eponym: A socio-cultural and Historico-structural study Prof. M.S. Ningomba 23-10-1998 Humanities
417 416 Salam Sanatomba Singh, History History Voting behaviour in Manipur (1948-1995) A case study of Thanga Assembly Constituency Prof. N. Joykumar Singh 23-10-1998 Social Science
418 417 Thingujam Roben Singh, Economics Economics Economics of minor irrigation in the three valley district of Manipur Prof. M. Iboton Singh 31-10-1998 Social Science
419 418 Mayengbam Joychandra Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Limnological studies of Pumlen – A major freshwater wetland of Manipur Prof. H. Tombi Singh 07-11-1998 Social Science
420 419 Kongjengbam Sushila Devi, History History Origin and growth of legislature in Manipur upto 1972 Prof. S.N. Pandey 25-11-1998 Social Science
421 420 Nongmeikapam Anita Devi, Chemistry Chemistry Transformations of 1.3-Diarylthiobarbituric acids to certain fused Heterocycles and Studies on their Biological Activities Dr. L. Warjeet Singh 25-11-1998 Science
422 421 Hajarimayum Ibeyaima Devi, Hindi Hindi Mithak-Prayog kee drishti se Lakshminarayan Lal kee natyakritiyon ka Adhyayan Dr. V.K. Srivastava Prof. K.N.P. Magudh 16-12-1998 Humanities
423 422 B. Kamzamung, English English George Orwell as a literary critic Prof. S.N. Prasad 19-12-1998 Humanities
424 423 Ayekpam Premila Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Indoor Aerobiology of certain working environments in Imphal area, Manipur Prof. N. Irabanta Singh 30-12-1998 Science
425 424 Athokpam Herojit Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Sulphur status of the cultivated soils of Manipur Dr. A. Ibopishak Singh 29-12-1998 Science
426 425 Laiphangbam Shila Devi, Mathematics Mathematics Some Aspects on the Biomechanics of blood vessels Dr. R.S. Gupta 04-01-1999 Science
427 426 Thangjam Saroda Devi, Chemistry Chemistry Studies on stability constants of some Cobalt (III) mixed ligand complexes Prof. Ak. Manihar Singh 28-01-1999 Science
428 427 Nongmaithem Chandrasekhar Singh, Geography Geography Pattern of urbanization in Manipur: Problems and prospects Dr. M. Balaram Singh 06-02-1999 Science
429 428 Lourembam Polen Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Interaction of Fusarium solani and meloidogyne incognita on brinjal in Manipur Dr. N. Iboton Singh 06-02-1999 Science
430 429 Laishram Radhapiyari Devi, Physics Physics Electrical magnetic and mossbauer investigations of Lithium Antimony Ferrites Substituted with CR3+ and Co2 Dr. Sumitra Phanjoubam Prof. H.N.K. Sharma 20-03-1999 Science
431 430 Langam Chitra Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Bio-ecology and control of Lipaphis Erysimi (Kaltenbach) (Homoptera:Aphididae) on certain cruciferous plants Dr. R. Varathranjan 05-04-1999 Science
432 431 L. Shashikumar Sharma, Commerce Commerce A study on the financial aspects of Handloom Industry in Manipur Prof. V.P. Giri 07-04-1999 Social Science
433 432 Lourembam Saratchandra Singh, History History A history of indigenous games in Manipur Dr. M. Jitendra Singh 12-04-1999 Social Science
434 433 Moirangthem Shantirani Devi, History History The evolution of the political system of Manipur from the earliest time to the 18th Century AD Dr. M. Jitendra Singh 12-04-1999 Social Science
435 434 Rajkumar Romen Singh, Physics Physics Effect of substitution of vanadium, niobium and tantalum on YBa2 Cu3 O7 – 8 superconductor Prof. H.N.K. Sarma 17-04-1999 Science
436 435 Thounaojam Mitrajit Singh, Economics Economics Sources of Rural Energy in Manipur with special reference to Biogas Prof. H. Nabakeshore Singh 29-04-1999 Social Science
437 436 Ningthoujam Yaima Singh, Anthropology Anthropology A study on the natural history of AIDS among the IDUs in Manipur with special reference to rish behaviours and biomedical aspects Prof. K. Saratchandra Singh 15-05-1999 Science
438 437 Pangambam Birachandra Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Prospects of Aquaculture Development in Manipur Prof. H. Tombi Singh 08-06-1999 Science
439 438 Keishing Selim, Life Sciences Life Sciences Fish and fisheries of the southern part of Ukhrul district of Manipur Dr. W. Vishwanath Singh 08-06-1999 Science
440 439 Khwairakpam Solitary Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on parasitic nematodes associated with vegetable crops in Manipur Dr. Ch. Dhanachand 08-06-1999 Science
441 440 Thounaojam Chanu Ibemhal, Manipuri Manipuri Manipurgi Lai-tingi wari singbunda lairembi Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 08-06-1999 Humanities
442 441 Athokpam Kholchandra Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri Lilamacha Neinaba Ama (1950 – 1990) Dr. N. Tombi Singh 17-06-1999 Humanities
443 442 Salam Romeobala Devi, Education Education Drug Abuse among the youths of Manipur Dr. Jamini Devi 19-06-1999 Social Science
444 443 Wangkhem Joykumar Singh, Biochemistry Biochemistry Purification and characterization of cytosolic NADP+- dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase from germinating blackgram, Vigna mungo(L.) Hepper Dr. L. Rupachandra Singh 01-07-1999 Science
445 444 Huidrom Sunitibala Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences In vitro propagation of turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.) and some aspects of basic free radical biochemistry of curcumin Dr. G. Jiten Sharma 19-07-1999 Science
446 445 Yaikhom Saratchandra Singh, Economics Economics Urban growth in Manipur Dr. Amar Yumnam 19-07-1999 Social Science
447 446 L. Kosygin Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Ichthyofauna of the northern part of Ukhrul District of Manipur and biology of the Cyprinid fish semiplotus Manipurensis Sp.Nov Prof. W. Vishwanath Singh 11-08-1999 Science
448 447 Jai Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on production potentials of different cropping systems under varying levels of phosphorous Prof. G.J. Sharma 11-08-1999 Science
449 448 Salam Iboton Singh, Political Science Political Science Manipur’s Relations with the Naga Hills (1824 – 1882) Dr. Arun Kumar Singh 24-08-1999 Social Science
450 449 Ayekpam Victoria Chanu, Commerce Commerce Human Resource Management in Banking Sector A case study of the Manipur State Cooperative Bank Ltd Dr. G.P. Prasain 13-09-1999 Social Science
451 450 R. Wongkhuimi Valui, Political Science Political Science Socio Political Aspects of Education in Manipur with special reference to Ukhrul District (1896-1996) Prof. M. Horam 15-09-1999 Social Science
452 451 Lalzagou, Geography Geography Khuga River Basin A geographical investigation for its integrated development Prof. R.P. Singh 17-09-1999 Science
453 452 Soibam Ibotombi, Earth Science Earth Science Structural and tectonic analysis of Manipur with special reference to evolution of the Imphal Valley Self 06-10-1999 Science
454 453 Heigrujam Sumatibala Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Hijam Gunagi upanyas neinaba Dr. P. Nabachandra Singh 18-10-1999 Humanities
455 454 Tamphasana Rajkumari, History History Zeliangrong Naga Movement (1927-1980): A study in some aspects of Ethnic process in North East India Prof. Gangmumei Kamei 06-11-1999 Social Science
456 455 Charoibam Ibohal Singh, Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Health Information System in Manipur : A study Dr. R. Lahiri 06-12-1999 Social Science
457 456 Potshangbam Bijaya Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Bio-ecology of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera :Aphididae) on certain cole crops in Manipur Prof. T. Kameshwar Singh 31-12-1999 Science
458 457 Pukhrambam Devjani, Life Sciences Life Sciences Bio-ecology and control of insect pests of cauliflower in Manipur Prof. T. Kameshwar Singh 31-12-1999 Science
459 458 Mohammad Ayub Ali, Biochemistry Biochemistry A comparative study on isozymic forms of NADP+- dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase from germinating blackgram. Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper Dr. L. Rupachandra Singh 20-01-2000 Science
460 459 Thokchom Devala Devi, Earth Sciences Earth Science Sedimentological investigation of arenaceous Rocks in and around Ukhrul, Ukhrul District Dr. R.A.S. Kushwaha 29-01-2000 Science
461 460 Damodar Nepram, Economics Economics Centre-State financial relations: A study with reference to Manipur Dr. Amar Yumnam 02-02-2000 Social Science
462 461 Nagari Mohan Panda, Commerce Commerce Development of entrepreneurship in Nagaland with a special reference to Hotel Enterprises Dr. B.B. Pradhan 07-02-2000 Social Science
463 462 Nongmaithem Laingam Singh, History History Origin and evolution of traditional forms of dances in Manipur Prof. S.N. Pandey 08-02-2000 Social Science
464 463 Laishangbam Binoy Bhusan Singh, Mathematics Mathematics Study of application of fuzzy set theory to goal programming problems Prof. R.K. Tarachand Singh 19-02-2000 Science
465 464 Yumnam Sushila Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Effect of Gamma Radiation on the physiological and biochemical studies in Capsicum annuum L. Dr. G.A. Shantibala Devi 18-03-2000 Science
466 465 Thansiama Tlau, History History Tobacco smoking: A case study of economic & health effects on Mizoram Prof. Lal Dena 15-04-2000 Social Science
467 466 Arambam Sanatomba Singh, Economics Economics Forest economy in Manipur; Perspectives for scientific management Prof. M. Iboton Singh 27-04-2000 Social Science
468 467 Maibam Binarani Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Kakching Haraoba amasung masigi Manipuri sanskritida toptoppa khudol Dr. O.Ibochauha Singh 27-04-2000 Humanities
469 468 Oinam Sarjubala Devi, Hindi Hindi Yadvendra Sharma ‘Chandra’ ki kahaniyon main nari patra Prof. J.M. Singh 23-05-2000 Humanities
470 469 Dinesh Kumar Verma, Hindi Hindi Bharatiya Jana-manas aur samkalin Hindi kahani (Noawan Dashak) Prof. Devraj 23-05-2000 Humanities
471 470 Kongbrailatpam Indira Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Ecological studies of the fresh water macrophytes in Utrapat Lake, Manipur Dr. B. Manihar Sharma 09-06-2000 Science
472 471 Vanlalruat Guite (Mrs), History History Traditional dresses and crafts of the Zomis in Manipur : A historical study Prof. Lal Dena 01-07-2000 Social Science
473 472 Ahongsangbam Surenjit Singh, Economics Economics The emerging patter of public sector enterprises in Manipur Prof. H. Nabakishore Singh 10-07-2000 Social Science
474 473 Thoudam Nabachandra Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Soil respiration and litter decomposition in the natural and cropland ecosystems at Imphal Prof. P.S. Yadava 18-07-2000 Science
475 474 Moirangthem Dabayenti Devi, Life Sciences Life Sciences Micropropagation of some rare orchids of Manipur Prof. G.J. Sharma 18-07-2000 Science
476 475 Sapam Shyamjai Singh, Commerce Commerce Marketing of banking services : A case study of Manipur State Co-operative Bank Ltd. Imphal Prof. S.K. Sharma Prof. V.P. Giri 24-07-2000 Social Science
477 476 Takhenchangbam Nandalal Sharma, English English Problem of identity in the play of Arthur Miller Prof. S.K. Tikoo 19-09-2000 Humanities
478 477 Benjamin Gangmei, Political Science Political Science The operational aspects of Indian Federalism – Problems of peripheral divisive trend Dr. S. Rajen Singh 09-10-2000 Social Science
479 478 Mohd.Karimuddin Shah, Political Science Political Science The working of Manipur Legislative Assembly, 1972-1990 Dr. SMAW Chishti 09-10-2000 Social Science
480 479 Lallan Singh, Hindi Hindi Bhojpuri aur Rajasthani lokgeeton ka sanskritik Adhyayan Prof. J.M. Singh 02-01-2001 Humanities
481 480 Yengkhom Nilachandra Singh, Economics Economics Population dynamics of Mizoram: A case study of differential fertility in Aizawl District Prof. L. Tombi Singh 23-01-2001 Social Science
482 481 T.K. Muana, English English Nominal phrase in Paite and English : A contrastive study Prof. A.G. Khan 23-01-2001 Humanities
483 482 Chabungbam Jadunanda Singh, Commerce Commerce Structure and growth of India’s financial services Dr. B.B. Pradhan 23-01-2001 Social Science
484 483 Oinam Geeta Devi, Earth Science Earth Science Geochemical studies of Loktak lake with special reference to Geo-environment Dr. Rajesh Anand 02-02-2001 Science
485 484 Waikhom Shambhunath Singh, Physics Physics Studies on some problems in connection with thermally stimulated luminescence Dr. S. Dorendrajit Singh 21-02-2001 Science
486 485 Ningthoujam Puinapati Devi, Physics Physics Some characteristics of multiparticle production in cosmic ray emulsion interactions Dr. K. Yugindro Singh 21-02-2001 Scoemce
487 486 Leihaothabam Jibonkumar Singh, Management management FDI – A gateway to globalization in India Prof. V.P. Giri 01-03-2001 Social Science
488 487 Lamabam Gojendra Singh, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri dramada comedy Dr. N. Tombi Singh 08-03-2001 Humanities
489 488 Rajkumari Tamphasana Devi, Manipuri Manipuri Manipuri shuman lila chaokhatlakpa amasung samajga leinaba mari Prof. I.R. Babu Singh 08-03-2001 Humanities
490 489 Chingakham Ibohal Meitei, Management management Strategic management of tourism industry in the north eastern region of India Prof. V.P. Giri 17-04-2001 Social Science
491 490 Nongmaithem Rokendro Singh, Commerce Commerce Human response development in small industry: A case study of select small scale units in north eastern region Dr. N.Tejmani Singh 21-04-2001 Social Science
492 491 Laishram Dibamani Singh, Anthropology Anthropology Kinanthropometry of Meitei male adolescents of Manipur in relation to motor performance Dr. L. Rajendra Singh Dr. T. Shyamachoron Singh 30-04-2001 Science
493 492 Khayi Philawon, Education Education Education of tribals in Manipur: A study of development practices and problems with special reference to Ukhrul District Prof. S.P. Ahluwalia Dr. Kh. Ghambini Devi 04-05-2001 Social Science
494 493 Wahengbam Chandbabu Singh, Commerce Commerce Managing short-term finances of industries : An Indian perspective Prof. V.P. Giri Dr. S.K. Sharma 14-05-2001 Social Science
495 494 Thangjam Munindro Singh, Economics Economics Inter district disparities in Manipur Prof. M. Iboton Singh 08-08-2001 Social Science
496 495 Bhagya Chandra Rajkumar, Commerce Commerce A study of human resource management in north easwtern coalfields, Coal India Ltd. Dr. G.P. Prasain 08-08-2001 Social Science
497 496 Rajkumar Sanajaoba Singh, Education Education Development of Adult Education in the valley areas of Manipur during post independence period Dr. L. Leiren Singh 21-08-2001 Social Science
498 497 Thongbam Premila Devi, Biochemistry Biochemistry Purification and characterization of Pineapple Crown Leaf Bromelain Dr. L. Rupachandra Singh 24-08-2001 Science
499 498 Laitonjam Anand Singh, Life Sciences Life Sciences Prevalence and Epidemiology of Human intestinal parasites in Manipur (Helminths & Protozoa) Dr. Ch. Dhanachand Singh 14-09-2001 Science
500 499 Wahengbam Kunjarani Chanu, Philosophy Philosophy The conflict of freedom and organization in Russell’s Social Philosophy Dr. S. Lokendrajit Singh 15-09-2001 Humanities
501 500 Monoharmayum Hemananda Sharma, Life Sceinces Life Sciences Aerobiological and biochemical investigations of allergenic plants found in Thoubal district, Manipur Dr.N. Irabanta Singh 19-09-2001 Science
502 501 R.K. Tombisana Singh, Chemistry Chemistry Synthetic studies of steroidal heterocycles from some <- Methylene Ketosteroids Dr. L. Warjit Singh 25-09-2001 Scince
503 502 Madduri Venkatachalapathy, Life Sciences Life Sciences Studies on the incidence, bionomics and control of uziflies (Diptera : Tachinidae) Infesting Oak Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea proylei Jolly (Lipidoptera: Saturniidae) in Manipur Prof. B. Prasad 10-10-2001 Science
504 503 Thiyam Bharat Singh, Economics Economics The New Economic Policy and Poverty in India with special reference to Manipur Prof. M. Iboton Singh 10-10-2001 Social Science
505 504 Yumnam Kaoba Singh, Geography Geography Tourism in North East India : A geographical study Prof. R.P. Singh 16-10-2001 Science
506 505