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Dr. Ishworani Chongtham

Designation: Guest Faculty

Specialization: Plant pathology & Microbiology


Email: ishworanic [AT] gmail.com

MSc. Ph.D.

Dr. Ishworani Chongtham

Designation: Guest Faculty

Specialization: Plant pathology & Microbiology

Email: ishworanic[AT]gmail.com

Specialization: Plant pathology & Microbiology

Area of interest: Mycorrhiza and Microfungi


1. Best paper presentation in Women and Science Section on “Arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophyte fungal associations in four woody trees of a subtropical plantation in Senapati District, Manipur” in Regional Science Congress for North-Eastern Region organized by ISCA, Imphal Chapter held at Manipur University, Imphal during December 30-31, 2013.

2. Third prize for poster presentation on “Arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophyte fungal association in three vegetable and staple crops of Manipur, North eastern India”, in the 6th International Conference on “Plant, Pathogens and People” organized by Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi during February 23-27, 2016.


1. Project Fellow under UGC Major Project.

2. Senior Research Fellow in NBAIM-AMAAS-ICAR Research Project.


1. Life Member, Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA).

2. Member, International Mycorrhizal Society (IMS).


1. Surendirakumar, K., Chongtham, I. and Pandey, R.R. (2016). Arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophyte fungal associations in three indigenous rice (Oriza sativa L.) cultivars of Manipur, North East India. J. Mycopathol. Res. 54: 415-422.

2. Pandey, R.R., Chongtham, I. and Muthukumar, T. (2016). Influence of season and edaphic factors on edorhizal fungal associations in subtropical plantation forest trees of Northeastern India. Flora 222: 1-12.

3. Kayini, A., Chongtham, I., and Pandey, R.R. (2015). Diversity of soil fungal communities in Alnus nepalensis and Castanopsis hystrix dominated plantation forest stands of northeastern India. J. Mycopathol. Res. 53: 225-235.

4. Devi, N.N., Devi, H.R., Chongtham, I. and Chanu, K.S. (2014). Antioxidant activity of methnolic extract of leaves and rhizomes of Acorus calamus L. World J. Pharmaceutical Res. 3: 4871- 4875.

5. Muthukumar, T., Uma, E., Satiyadash, K., Jaison, S., Priyadharsini, P. and Chongtham, I. (2011). Morphology, anatomy and mycorrhizae in subterrarean parts of Zeuxine gracilis (Orchidaceae). Anales de Biologia 33: 127-134.


1. Chongtham, I., Surendirakumar, K., Surbala, L. and Pandey, R.R. (2018). Application of biofertilizers for growth enhancement of Capsicum chinense. In: Microbial Antagonists: Their Role in Biological Control Of Plant Diseases, Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, 260-291.(ISBN: 81-7019-591-4)


1. Presented in The 105th Indian Science Congress held at Manipur University during March 16-20, 2018.

2.Presented in National Seminar on ‘Science & Technology for Human Development’ organized by Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Imphal Chapter held at Manipur University, Imphal during January 21-23, 2015.

3. Presented in Asian Plant Science Conference organized by Society for Applied Biotechnology, Biotechnology Society of Nepal, and Eurasian Academy of Environmental Sciences at Nepal, during November 1-3, 2014.

4. Presented on National Seminar on ‘Climate Change and Environmental Threat to Public Health & Sustainable Agriculture’ organized by Sunbeam College for Women, Varanasi co-sponsored by UPCST, Lucknow during August 30-31, 2014.

5. Presented on International Symposium on ‘Role of Fungi and Microbes in the 21st Century-a Global Scenario’ organized by Indian Mycological Society in collaboration with Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata during February 20-22, 2014.

6. Presented on Regional Science Congress for North-Eastern Region on ‘Innovations in Science and Technology for Inclusive Development’ organized by with Indian Science Congress Association, Imphal Chapter and Manipur University during December 30-31, 2013.

7. Presented in 7th International Conference on Mycorrhiza on ‘Mycorrhiza for All: An Under-Earth Revolution’ organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi and International Mycorrhiza Society during January 6-11, 2013.


1. 7th Women Science Congress in the 105th Indian Science Congress held at Manipur University, Imphal during 18-19 March, 2018.

2. 5days Training Program on “Climate Change Adaptation for Natural Resource Management” organized by IIFM, Bhopal in collaboration with Manipur Forest Department, Imphal during 13-17 November, 2017.

3. Workshop on “Inside a Publisher’s Mind” organized by National Institute of Technology, Manipur during July 3-4, 2017.

4. Workshop on Theatre Activism organized by Manipur University Theatre Club (MUTC) under the aegis of Manipur University Students’ Union (MUSU) held during Aug. 8-10, 2016.

5. Workshop on ‘Research Proposal And Fulbright Fellowships Opportunities in the United States’ organized jointly by Manipur University, Imphal and United States-India Educational Foundation, Kolkata held at Manipur Univ., on 8th Feb, 2013.

6. Workshop cum Training on ‘Access to Library Resources and Internet’ sponsored by the National Library, Kolkata (Govt. of India, Ministry of Culture) and organized by Manipur University Library, Imphal held during Jan. 17-19, 2014

7. National Seminar on ‘Science For Shaping The Future Of India’ organized by Indian Science Congress Association –Imphal Chapter with Manipur University, Imphal held during Aug. 27-28, 2012.

8. Workshop on ‘Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS’ organized by Computer and Statistical Service Centre, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata and Dept. of Statistics, Manipur University, Imphal, held during July24-27, 2012.

9. National Seminar on ‘Plant Diversity Resources of Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot and their Conservation,(PLANTBIOCON), sponsored by UGC jointly with Dept. of Botany, D.M. College of Science, Imphal and Science Teacher’s Forum, Manipur, at Dept. of Botany, D.M. College of Science, Imphal, held during April16-17,2012.

10. National Workshop on ‘Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity Management in NE-India with Particular Reference to Manipur’ organized by Manipur Biodiversity Board and Forest Dept., Imphal held during Sept. 29-30, 2011.

11. National Workshop on ‘Computational and Systems Biology’ sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, at Centre for Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility, Dept. of Life Sciences, Manipur University, Imphal held during March 30-31,2011.

12. Science Academics’ Sponsored Workshop (SASW) on ‘Recent Advances in Biology’ organized by Dept. of Biochemistry, Manipur University, jointly with MRDS, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, held during March 28-29, 2011.

13. National Symposium on ‘Biodiversity Status and Conservation Strategies with special reference to North-East India’ sponsored by UGC, New Delhi at Dept. of Life Sciences, Manipur Univ., Imphal held during March 17-18, 2011.

14. National Symposium on ‘Plant Protection Strategies in Organic Agriculture’ sponsored by Indian Phytopathological Society (Eastern Zone) at Dept. of Life Sciences, Manipur Univ., Imphal held during Oct. 29-30, 2010.