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Dr Rajen Singh Laishram

Designation: Professor

Specialization: South East Asia

Contact: 9862034682

Email: rajensingh@gmail.com


Ford Foundation ASIA Fellow at Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Kunming, China PR; Editorial Board of (1) The Calcutta Journal of Global Affairs and (2) Walailak Journal of Social Science, Thailand

  1. India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and Northeast India,” in Joyati Bhattacharya, ed., Mapping Northeast on India’s Act East Policy: Past, Present and Future (New Delhi: Routledge, forthcoming 2020)

  2. India’s Look East Policy: The Imperatives of Overland Connectivity,” in Achintya Kumar Dutta and Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury, Connecting Nations, Politico-Cultural Mapping India and South-East Asia (New Delhi: Primus Books, 2018) pp. 180-190

  3. BCIM-EC: Reviving the Traditional RoadsChina-India Dialogue (Beijing, New Delhi) ISSN 2096-2592, pp. 50-53, vol. 8, no. 3, May-June 2017

  4. Lord Jagannath and the Meetei Diasporas,” pp. 64-72, Research Promoter, vol. vi, no. vi, 2016, ISSN 2231-0193

  5. The Corruptibility of Corruption in China,” Perspectives: Asia-Pacific (Kolkata: Maha Bodhi Book Agency, 2014)

  6. Religion and Identity in Bali and Manipur,” Research Promoter, vol. iv, no. iv, 2014, pp. 37-44

  7. Xinjiang: Curse of the “New Frontier,Dialogue Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 4. April-June 2013, pp. 183-192

  8. Elusive Peace in Northeast: The Manipur Case,” in Wasbir Hussain, ed., Northeast India: Sustaining Peace Changing Dimensions (Guwahati: Bhabani Books, 2012) pp. 85-101

  9. South Korea’s Global Visions,” World Focus, vol. xxxiii, no. 7, July 2012, pp. 19-24

  10. BCIM Forum: Vista for Bangladesh–India Ties,” World Focus, vol. xxxiii, no. 2, February 2012, pp. 49-53

  11. India’s Afghanistan Policy: Beyond Bilateralism,” World Focus, vol. xxxii, no. 11, November-December 2011, pp. 774-779

  12. The Imperatives of India’s Proactive Engagement with the Maldives,” World Focus, vol. xxxii, no. 5, May 2011, pp.329-332

  13. Threads That Can Bind: People of the Frontier Areas in China-India Cooperation,” Southeast Asian and South Asian Studies, Kunming, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, 2010, pp. 84-88

  14. Participatory Trade Along the Frontiers of China and India,” in Gurudas Das and C. Joshua. Thomas ed., India-China: Trade and Strategy for Frontier Development (New Delhi: Bookwell, 2010) pp. 411-431

  15. Kunming Initiative: Prospects for Sub-Regional Cooperation,” The Asian Scholar, Issue 3 http://www.asianscholarship.org/asf/ejourn/articles/rajen_sl.pdf

  16. Knowledge and Development Disparity in the Frontier Provinces of China and India,” Perspectives: Asia-Pacific (Kolkata: Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial International Conference, 2012) pp. 514-530

  17. Challenge of the Frontiers in China, India and Myanmar,” in Perspectives: Asia-Pacific (Kolkata: Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial International Conference, 2010)

  18. Negotiating Nationalities in Yunnan and Northeast India,” (Kolkata: Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies Proceedings of the Third Biennial International Conference, 2008)