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Prof. Dr. Haobam Mamata Devi

Designation: Professor

Specialization: Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Document Image Processing

Contact: 9862587751

Email: mamata_dh [AT] rediffmail.com

M.E., Ph.D.(Computer Science)

Website: http://manipuruniv.ac.in/faculty/108


(Principal Investigator)

  1. Development of Robust Document Image understanding system for Documents in Indian scripts (OCR) Phase II, - Consortium of 15 institutions with IIT Delhi as Consortium Leader, (Dec.28, 2010-June 30, 2016). Sponsored by Department of Electronics and Information Technology(DeitY), New Delhi, Govt. of India.

  2. Development of Electronic Manipuri Dictionary, (March 22, 2007- March 21,2008 ), Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Manipur (under R&D Scheme 2006-07).

  3. Development of Manipuri Language Technology, (Dec.28, 2007 - March,31, 2011 ) , Department of Information Technology, New Delhi, Govt. of India.

(Co-Principal Investigator)

  1. Development of Major North Eastern Languages Manipuri Nurturing North Eastern Languages in the Digital Medium, CDAC, Pune as Consortium Leader, (May, 2008- May, 2011 ), Sponsored by Department of Information Technology, New Delhi, Govt. of India.

Book chapter

  1. H. Mamata Devi, Th. Keat, and B. B. Chaudhuri “Spelling Correction in Manipuri Text”. In Advanced Computing Applicationa, Databasee and Networks, Editors, Shahin Ara Begum, Prodipto Das, Narosa Publishing House 2011, Page 9-17, ISBN-01: 8184871090 ISBN-13: 978-8184871098

  1. H. Mamata Devi, S. Roni Devi and B. B. Chaudhuri “N-gram-based Statistical Analysis of Manipuri language”. In Networks, Security and soft Computing Trends iand Future Directions, Editors, Dhruba H Bhattacharyya, Shyamanta M Hazarika. Narosa Publishing House 2007, Page 184-189, ISBN-978-81-7319-868-7

Indexed and Peer-Reviewed International Journal Papers Published

  1. Ksh. NareshKumar Singh, H.Mamata Devi, Anjana Kakoti Mahanta and N. Ajith Singh, “A brief study on document clustering”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) Vol 119, No.12, 2018, ISSN: 1314-3395, pp 13553-13560.

  1. Yanglem Loijing Khomba Khuman, S. Poireiton Meitei and H. Mamata Devi, “Comparative Studies on Some Chracter Recognition Techniques for Multilingual Script Documents: A Review”, International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science& Communication Engineering (IJFRCSCE) Vol 3, Issue 11, November 2017, ISSN: 2454-4248, pp 407-412.

  1. Mayanglambam Premi Devi, Irengbam Tilokchand Singh and Haobam Mamata Devi, “English to Manipuri Machine Transliteration System based on Syllabification”, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science)JGRCS Vol 8, Issue 1, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-5822, pp 15-18.

  1. Ksh. NareshKumar Singh, H. Mamata Devi and Anjana Kakoti Mahanta, “Document Representation Techniques and their effect on the document Clustering and Classification: A Review”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS) Vol 8, No. 5, May-June 2017, ISSN: 0976-5697, pp 1780-1784.

  1. Mayanglambam Premi Devi, Irengbam Tilokchand Singh and Haobam Mamata Devi, “Rule Based Computational Syllabification of Manipuri Words”, International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science(IJIACS) Vol 6, Issue 3, March 2017, ISSN: 2347-8616, pp 75-78.

  1. S. Poireiton Meitei and H. Mamata Devi, “Development of English to Manipuri Electronic Dictionary : A database Approach”, International Journal of Innovation & Advancement in Computer Science (IJIACS) Vol 6, Issue 3, March 2017, ISSN: 2347-8616, pp 90-92.

  1. Mayanglambam Premi Devi, Irengbam Tilokchand Singh and Haobam Mamata Devi, “Automatic Syllabification Rules for Manipuri Language”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science(IJARCS) Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2017, ISSN: 0976-5697, pp 57-59.

  1. S. Somorjeet Singh, H. Mamata Devi, Th. Tangkeshwar Singh, and O. Imocha Singh, “A new easy Method of Enhancement of Low Contrast Image using Spatial Domain”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 40- No. 1, February, 2012.

  1. S. Somorjeet Singh, Th. Tangkeshwar Singh, H. Mamata Devi and Tejmani Sinam, “Local Contrast Enhancement using Local Standard Deviation”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-888), Volume 47- No. 15, June, 2012.

  1. S. Poireiton Meitei, Shantikumar Ningombam, H.Mamata Devi, Bipul Syam Purkayastha, “A Manipuri-English Bilingual Electronic Dictionary -Design and Implementation” International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Vol 2, Issue 1, July 2012, ISSN: 2277-3754, pp 15-18.

  1. S. Somorjeet Singh, Th. Tangkeshwar Singh, N. Gourakishwar Singh and H. Mamata Devi, “Global-Local Contrast Enhancement”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 54- No. 10, September, 2012.


No. of Conference/ Workshop Papers Published

  1. H. Mamata Devi, K. Singh, N. P. Devi “Manipuri Morphological Generator” International Symposium on Advanced Computing and Communication (ISACC2015)(IEEE-Explore) held on 14-15 September, 2015 at Department of Computer science and Engineering, Assam University, Silchar, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6707-3, pp 103 – 108.

  1. S. Poireiton Meitei, Bipul Syam Purkayastha, H.Mamata Devi, Development of a Manipuri Stemmer: a hybrid approach” International Symposium on Advanced Computing and Communication (ISACC2015)(IEEE-Explore) held on 14-15 September, 2015 at Department of Computer science and Engineering, Assam University, Silchar, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6707-3, pp 128 – 131.

  2. H. Mamata Devi, Premi Devi, Yanglem Loijing Khomba Khuman, B.B. Chaudhuri, “Development of a Manipuri OCR System”, National seminar on Science & Technology for Human Development, ISC2015, 21-23 Jan. 2015, Page 41, Manipur University.

  3. H. Mamata Devi, Th. Keat Singh, Bindia L, Vijay Kumar. “On the Development of Manipuri-Hindi Parallel Corpus”, in the proceedings of LREC 2012 Workshop on Indian Language and Data: Resources and Evaluation (WILDRE), Istanbul, Turkey (45-49), 21-23 May 2012

      5.  H. Mamata Devi, S. Poireiton Meitei and B.B. Chaudhuri “Development of a Manipuri-English Electronic Dictionary”, XI Manipur Science Congress, (page 32-33) on 28-30 March,2008, organized by School of Science, Manipur University, Canchipur. Sponsored by Manipur University, Canchipur; CSIR, New Delhi; Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India; DST&IT, Govt. of Manipur.

       6.  H. Mamata Devi, S. Roni, and B. B. Chaudhuri “Word level Statistical Analysis of Manipuri language” Souvenir of Mitex-2006 Manipur Information Technology Expo 2006, Exhibition cum Seminar “ICT –Prospects, strategies and security aspects in N.E. region” (page 74-79) December 7-9, 2006, Imphal, organized by Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers, Imphal Sub-Centre and Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Manipur.

  1.  H. Mamata Devi and B.B. Chaudhuri “ Computer processing of Manipuri Text Corpus” Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems 2006. (Page 168-171) (ReTIS 2006) 14-15 July, 2006, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.


Ph.D. (Supervisor): 6 Nos. ( supervising).

Post Doctorate (Mentor): 2 Nos.( mentoring).

MCA Project Guide: 12 Nos for last 3 years

Workshop/ Conference attended

  1. National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems 2006. (ReTIS 2006) 14-15 July, 2006, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

  2. International Conference of Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Computing during 10-12 March, 2014, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manipur Institute of Technology, Manipur University.

  3. One Day Workshop on Intellectual Property Right(IPR) 29th January 2014, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, Manipur,

  4. Two Days Workshop on E-Learning Technoloies and Practices(NPTEL-NMEICT) Ist and 2nd March 2014, National Institute of Technology, Manipur.

  5. Seven Days Workshop on “Emerging Trends and Technologies in Computer Science”, during Jan 4-10, 2016, Gauhati University.


Resource Person

  1. Workshop organized in collaboration with the Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Language (LDC-IL), CIIL, Mysore: Orientation cum Training Program on Natural Language Processing during 3-13 February, 2012 at Department of Computer Science, Manipur University.

  2. Awareness program on “Uses of Computers in Translation” organized by National Translation Mission, CIIL, Mysore at the Department of Computer Science, Manipur University from 31st July to 2nd August 2014.

  3. The first Orientation cum Workshop on Developing Tools for Computer Aided Translation (English to Manipuri): Morphological Analyzer Awareness, Workshop organized by National Translation Mission, CIIL, Mysore at the Department of Linguistics, Manipur University from 4th to 9th August 2014.

  4. Workshop on Woman for Natural Language Processing organized by LDC-IL), CIIL, Mysore, from 21st to 27th July, 2016.


Other Information

  1. Life member of Computer Society of India (CSI)

  2. Life member of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)



  1. Head of Department of Computer Science, Manipur University. From 20th March 2012 to 19th March 2015.

  2. Member of the Governing Body of Manipur Institute of Technology, Imphal December 2014 to 19th March 2015.

  3. Member, Executive Council, Manipur University. From 30th September 2014 to 19th March 2015.

  4. Member, College Development Council, Manipur University. From 5th October 2014 to 5th October 2018.

  5. Member of the Court, Manipur University. From 5th April 2014 to 19th March 2015.

  6. Member, Board of Management for the Community College, Manipur University since 21st July 2014 till date.

  7. Member, Academic Council, Manipur University from 20th March 2012 to 19th March 2015.