*** National Anti-Ragging Helpline 24x7 Toll Free 1800-180-5522 email: helpline@antiragging.in website: www.antiragging.in  ***  *** Manipur University Admission for Academic Session 2024-25 ***           |           *** MANIPUR UNIVERSITY ALUMNI[LINK] ***           |           *** ALUMNI REGISTRATION FROM [LINK].  (New) ***           |           *** Dr. Naorem Santa Singh, Project Scientist, Dept. of Life Science(Zoology), MU, has been awarded the ZSK-INDIA RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION by ZSK, India on 16/10/2023  (New) ***           |           *** To Activate MHRD Wi-Fi service, Generate consent Form and Submit at Computer Centre. Click here to generate.  (New) ***           |           *** ADMISSION MUET 23-24   ***           |           *** ADMISSION CUET(UG/PG) 2023-24  (New) ***           |           *** PRE-PHD ADMISSION 2023 ***           |           *** ACADEMIC BANK OF CREDITS: ABC  (New) ***           |           ***  Prof. Yengkhom Raghumani Singh, Dept. of Earth Sc., has been selected as Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Geology & Environmental Scinece, University of Pittsburgh.  (New) ***           |           ***  15th CONVOCATION 2023: Register Now for 2013-2020 passout students;  (New) ***           |           ***  DOWNLOAD UG(BA/BSc/BCom) Online Provisional Marksheet.  (New) ***           |           *** Issue of 1st semester hostel fee payment is resolved and those students who already paid the fee shall download the fee receipt  (New) ***           |           *** Wi-Fi Registration Form Fill Up  (New) ***           |           *** Samarth EXAM FORM FILL UP for MU  (New) ***           |           *** Verification of financial transactions will be opened from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on every working day. (New) ***           |           *** Online Provisional Marksheet (BA/BSc)  ***           |           ***  Tender for Supply of Equipments & Consumable items; (New) ***           |           *** COVID-19: Mental Health Counselling [TIMING: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM] (New) ***           |           *** COVID-19 related Notifications.  ***           |           *** Affiliating College Notifications; (New) ***           |           *** CYBER SECURITY TIPS  (New) ***           |              

Mathematics Department

Date 29/12/2023: A Lecture Programme on "Some interesting problems in metric fixed point theory and Applications", delivered by Prof. PP Murthy

Date 23/11/2023: Department of Mathematics, Manipur University welcomes MA/MSc 1st semester to Introducation Programme


Date 13/12/2022: Two-Week Advanced Training in Mathematics Schools Instructional School for Teachers(IST) on Polynomials. Nov 28-Dec 10, 2022. Sponsored by National Centre for Mathematics (A join centre of IIT Bombay and TIFR, Mumbai) Organised by: Department of Mathematics, Manipur University.

Date 28/11/2022: Invited talk on Topic "Other world are possible" by Dr. Chandra Singh Dalawat, Professor of Mathematics, Harish Chandra Research Institute on 29-11-2022

Date 28/11/2022: Induction Programme of MA/MSc Mathematics 1st Semester 2022 was held on 24/11/2022

Date 23/09/2022: Invited lecture on "Cloud Fermat have been wrong at times?" by Dr. B. Sury. Professor, ISI Banglore

Date 06/09/2022: Swachhta Pledge taking ceremony held on 05/09/2022 by the Department of Mathematics, Manipur University

Date 24/08/2022: A Lecture Programme on "Binary Recurrence Sequences and its arithmetic" by Dr Shanta Laishram, Professor, ISI Delhi on 24/08/2022 at First Floor, Department of Mathematics, MU [pdf]

Date 04/05/2022: The third meeting of the Board of Studies for undergraduate studies was held on the 4th of May at 1:30 pm in the department of Mathematics.

Date 26/04/2022: Three Man assessments of four Non-JRF fellows of the department after completion of two years at 1 pm on 26/04/2022 in the Conference Hall, Mathematics Department.

Date 04/03/2022: Indian Olympiad Qualifier (IOQ) 2021-22 Examination on 6-20 March 2022 organised by Mathematics Teachers' Association (India) on behalf of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education Tata Institution of Fundamental Research

Date 21/02/2022: THREE DAYS NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL PI DAY, March 12 - 14, 2022; Last Date of submission of e-form: March 5, 2022[pdf]


Storeroom, Department of Mathematics, Manipur University inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MU at 11:00 AM on December 30, 2021 in presence of Prof. M. Ranjit Singh, HOD and other faculty & non-teaching staff members.

Front view of the storeroom                                                                                                                               Rare view of the storeroom


* Date 17/01/2020: Indian National Mathematics Olympians (INMO) 2020 Examination

* Date 21/12/2019: Five-Day Training Camp of Indian National Mathematical Olympiad 2020, January 2-6, 2020, organized by Department of Mathematics and sponsored by Manipur University.

* Date 18/10/2019: RMO 2019 Examination on Sunday, October 20, 2019

* Date 1-6/10/2019:

* Date 29/08/2019: List of Selected Candidates for TEW: Real Analysis, Linear Algebra and Number Theory (2019) Oct. 1-6, MU

* Date 07/08/2019

* Date 02/08/2019: BANNER: FIVE-DAY Pre-Regional Mathematical Olympaid Camp 2019, Organised by Department of Mathematics

* Date 30/07/2019: Five day Pre-RMO Camp (5-9 August 2019) registration on or before Aug 3,2019

Date 16/07/2019

Date: 10/07/2019: Teacher's Enrichment Workshop(TEW), Real Analysis, Linear Algebra and Number Theory (2019) from 1st to 6th Oct 2019

Date: 30/03/2019
A statement issued by  M.Ranjit Singh (Head/Maths): First Lecture of Research Scholars have been performed at the Conference Hall of the said Department. The speaker of the Lecture was GA Hirankumar Sharma (Reg.3437/2015) Dept. of Science & Humanities, MIT, with the topic: Common Fixed Point Theorems for (Psi function, Phi function)-weak Contractive Conditions in Metric Spaces, Haceteppe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 47(6), 2018.